2016-09-06 96 views

當我運行它時,我得到「TypeError:無法讀取未定義的屬性'平衡'。」 我剛剛學習Node,我不確定自己做錯了什麼。請幫忙。「TypeError:無法讀取未定義的屬性'balance'」。不知道什麼是錯的


//create an accounts array: 
var accounts = []; 

// create a function that allows you to create an account, passing it an account object: 
function createAccount(account) 
\t accounts.push(account); 
\t return account; 

// create a function that allows you to lookup an account by passing it a username: 
function getAccount(userName) 
\t var matchedAccount; 

\t for (var i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) 
\t { 
\t \t if (accounts[i] === userName) 
\t \t { 
\t \t \t matchedAccount = accounts[i]; 
\t \t } 
\t } 
\t return matchedAccount; 

// create a function called deposit: 
function deposit(account, amount) 
\t if (typeof amount === "number") 
\t { 
\t \t account.balance = (account.balance + amount); 
\t } \t 
\t else 
\t { 
\t \t console.log("Deposit failed. Amount is not a number.") 
\t } 
// create a function called withdrawal: 
function withdraw(account, amount) 
\t if (typeof amount === "number") 
\t { 
\t \t account.balance = (account.balance - amount); 
\t } \t 
\t else 
\t { 
\t \t console.log("Withdraw failed. Amount is not a number.") 
\t } 
// create a function called getBalance, which will return the current balance of the account passed to it: 
function getBalance(account) 
\t return account.balance; 
function createBalanceGetter(account) 
\t return function() 
\t { 
\t \t return account.balance; 
\t } 
var jessica = createAccount(
\t userName: "Jessica", 
\t balance: 0 
deposit(jessica, 120); 
withdraw(jessica, 10); 

var jessica2 = getAccount("Jessica"); 
var getJessica2Balance = createBalanceGetter(jessica2); 






function getAccount(userName) 
    var matchedAccount; 

    for (var i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) 
     if (accounts[i].userName === userName) 
      matchedAccount = accounts[i]; 

    return matchedAccount; 



這絕對是問題!我一直試圖找出幾個小時有什麼問題。 **非常感謝你!** _(我不能upvote你的答案,因爲我有不到15的聲譽...我試過。)_ – Jess


沒問題@Jess很高興我幫了忙! – Li357
