2017-10-12 167 views





<td class="eo_role"><a href="#" data-pk={{r.pk}} data-type="select2" data-url="/api/entry/{{r.pk}}/" 
data-name="eo_role" data-title="Enter EO_role">{{r.eo_role}}</a></td> 


$('#example .eo_role a').editable({ 
    params: function(params) { //params already contain `name`, `value` and `pk` 
     var data = {}; 
     data[params.name] = params.value; 
     return data; 
    source: 'http://localhost:8000/api/eo_role/select_two_data/', 
    tpl: '<select></select>', 
    ajaxOptions: { 
     type: 'put' 
    select2: { 
     width: '150px', 
     id: function(pk) { 
      return pk.id; 
     ajax: { 
      url: 'http://localhost:8000/api/eo_role/select_two_data/', 
      dataType: "json", 
      type: 'GET', 
      processResults: function(item) {return item;}  
    formatSelection: function (item) { 
     return item.text; 
    formatResult: function (item) { 
     return item.text; 
    templateResult: function (item) { 
     return item.text; 
    templateSelection : function (item) { 
     return item.text; 

再次 - 一切正常(數據庫更新,下拉列表填充等),但是<td>獲取與更新"EMPTY"提交下拉後 - 要求刷新頁面以顯示正確的值。


我試過類似的問題/解決方案的鏈接,但沒有工作。 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28190106/x-editable-putting-empty-after-successful-update – TangoAlee




//outside of everything, EVERYTHING 
//test object is a global holding object that is used to hold the selection dropdown lists 
//in order to return the correct text. 
var test = {}; 

$('#example .eo_role a').editable({ 
    params: function(params) { //params already contain `name`, `value` and `pk` 
     var data = {}; 
     data[params.name] = params.value; 
     return data; 

    //MUST be there - it won't work otherwise. 
    tpl: '<select></select>', 
    ajaxOptions: { 
     type: 'put' 
    select2: { 

     width: '150px', 
     //tricking the code to think its in tags mode (it isn't) 
     //this is the actual function that triggers to send back the correct text. 
     formatSelection: function (item) { 
      //test is a global holding variable set during the ajax call of my results json. 
      //the item passed here is the ID of selected item. However you have to minus one due zero index array. 
      return test.results[parseInt(item)-1].text; 
     ajax: { 
      url: 'http://localhost:8000/api/eo_role/select_two_data/', 
      dataType: "json", 
      type: 'GET', 
      processResults: function(item) { 
      //Test is a global holding variable for reference later when formatting the selection. 
      //it gets modified everytime the dropdown is modified. aka super convenient. 
      test = item; 
      return item;}  



value2html: function(value, element) { 
    var text = '', data, 
    that = this; 
    if(this.options.select2.tags) { //in tags mode just assign value 
     data = value; 
     //data = $.fn.editableutils.itemsByValue(value, this.options.select2.tags, this.idFunc); 
     } else if(this.sourceData) { 
      data = $.fn.editableutils.itemsByValue(value, this.sourceData, this.idFunc); 
     } else { 
      //can not get list of possible values 
      //(e.g. autotext for select2 with ajax source) 


(...) else { 
     //can not get list of possible values 
     //(e.g. autotext for select2 with ajax source) 
     data = value; 

這是修復問題。到目前爲止,我沒有發現任何不需要的行爲。 示例代碼:

    type: 'select2', 
    mode: 'inline', 
    showbuttons: false, 
    tpl: '<select></select>', 
    ajaxOptions: { 
     type: 'POST' 
    select2: { 
     width: 200, 
     multiple: false, 
     placeholder: 'Wybierz klienta', 
     allowClear: false, 
     formatSelection: function (item) { 
      //test is a global holding variable set during the ajax call of my results json. 
      //the item passed here is the ID of selected item. However you have to minus one due zero index array. 
      return window.cacheData[parseInt(item)].text; 
     ajax: { 
      url: system.url + 'ajax/getProjectInfo/', 
      dataType: 'json', 
      delay: 250, 
      cache: false, 
      type: 'POST', 
      data: { 
       projectID: system.project_id, 
       action: 'getProjectClients', 
       customer: parseInt(jQuery("[data-edit-client]").attr("data-selected-company-id")) 
      processResults: function (response) { 
       window.cacheData = response.data.clients; 
       return { 
        results: response.data.clients 

這不適合我 - 它正確地發佈數據到服務器,只是仍然顯示「空」字符串選擇後。 – TangoAlee


那麼... xEditable維護得不好。我認爲,最好的解決方案是直接使用[select2](https://select2.org/) – Yurciu


我同意 - 除了我通常對javascript一無所知,並且具有內聯可編輯功能非常有價值。如果只有另一種選擇。 – TangoAlee