2012-10-12 27 views


$perlcritic --gentle . | nl -nln | sed 's/\(.*source OK\)$/ok \1/' | sed '/source OK$/!s/^.*$/not ok &/' | tee perlcritic_tap.results.1 


not ok 1  Bareword file handle opened at line 184, column 17. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 2  Two-argument "open" used at line 184, column 17. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 3  Bareword file handle opened at line 311, column 9. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 4  Two-argument "open" used at line 311, column 9. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 5  Bareword file handle opened at line 371, column 12. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 6  Two-argument "open" used at line 371, column 12. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 7  Bareword file handle opened at line 390, column 13. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 8  Two-argument "open" used at line 390, column 13. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 9  Bareword file handle opened at line 522, column 5. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 10  Two-argument "open" used at line 522, column 5. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 11  Bareword file handle opened at line 615, column 10. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 12  Two-argument "open" used at line 615, column 10. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 


more perlcritic_tap.results.1 

not ok 1  Bareword file handle opened at line 184, column 17. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 2  Two-argument "open" used at line 184, column 17. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 3  Bareword file handle opened at line 311, column 9. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 4  Two-argument "open" used at line 311, column 9. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 5  Bareword file handle opened at line 371, column 12. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 6  Two-argument "open" used at line 371, column 12. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 7  Bareword file handle opened at line 390, column 13. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 8  Two-argument "open" used at line 390, column 13. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 9  Bareword file handle opened at line 522, column 5. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 10  Two-argument "open" used at line 522, column 5. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 11  Bareword file handle opened at line 615, column 10. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 12  Two-argument "open" used at line 615, column 10. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 


echo 1.. `wc -l < perlcritic_tap.results.1` | cat - perlcritic_tap.results.1 > perlcritic_tap.results 


1.. 12 
not ok 1  Bareword file handle opened at line 184, column 17. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 2  Two-argument "open" used at line 184, column 17. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 3  Bareword file handle opened at line 311, column 9. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 4  Two-argument "open" used at line 311, column 9. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 5  Bareword file handle opened at line 371, column 12. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 6  Two-argument "open" used at line 371, column 12. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 7  Bareword file handle opened at line 390, column 13. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 8  Two-argument "open" used at line 390, column 13. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 9  Bareword file handle opened at line 522, column 5. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 10  Two-argument "open" used at line 522, column 5. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 11  Bareword file handle opened at line 615, column 10. See pages 202,204 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 
not ok 12  Two-argument "open" used at line 615, column 10. See page 207 of PBP. (Severity: 5) 


Found matching files but did not find any TAP results. 

您是否嘗試過'Test :: Perl :: Critic'? – RobEarl


您是否嘗試刪除部分輸出行以確定是否有任何字符(例如。:()「)正在進行中? –


優秀的建議,我會嘗試兩個 – kamal



它是在插件中的錯誤在。即使您指定了不同的文件擴展名(插件開發人員在編寫代碼時可能已經醉了),它也會查找* .tap。我填充了an issue for this,但是您可以在當前版本(1.6)的TAP插件中執行以下操作:

1)如您所述,刪除TAP計劃中的空間(即:1 ..12而不是1 .. 12),



讓我知道你是否需要任何東西。我在這裏很新,沒有足夠的Karma來添加更多鏈接,但我已經使用TAP文件附加了一些屏幕截圖,用於Jenkins JIRA中的問題;-)

全部最好的, - 皮膚


perlcritic --gentle cgi-bin/cr/| tee pc.out工作,再加上我使用Jenkins的Violations插件 – kamal


我已經與JUnit TAP harness成功時讓測試進入詹金斯。最新版本允許您通過環境變量將測試分組到軟件包中。

export JUNIT_OUTPUT_FILE="$WORKSPACE/junit_app.xml" 
export JUNIT_PACKAGE="app" 
cd $WORKSPACE/Offer; prove -I ./lib -v --harness=TAP::Harness::JUnit 



因此,您使用Perl :: Critic與TAP :: Harness :: JUnit來獲取XML輸出?因爲我沒有單元測試,所以我只想運行Perl :: Critic對Perl代碼 – kamal


不,只是使用標準測試,但它似乎將TAP轉換爲JUnit就好了,並且對測試進行分組。 –


我認爲這是您計劃中的額外空間。 請嘗試1..12。我已經使用了JUnit的詹金斯與插件(後沒有空格的..)

證明--formatter = TAP ::格式化:: JUnit的


我意識到了錯誤並糾正了錯誤,但這並沒有解決問題。 Good Catch BTW – kamal