2016-06-06 170 views

我一直在推動自己了牆,試圖刮必要的歷史咖啡價格從表中特定日期循環在這裏找到使用BeautifulSoup: http://www.investing.com/commodities/us-coffee-c-historical-data刮表使用美麗的湯




dates={1 : "Apr 04, 2016", 
    2 : "Apr 05, 2016", 
    3 : "Apr 06, 2016", 
    4 : "Apr 07, 2016", 
    5 : "Apr 08, 2016"} 


import requests 
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 

url = "http://www.investing.com/commodities/us-coffee-c-historical-data" 
page = requests.get(url).text 
soup_coffee = BeautifulSoup(page) 

coffee_table = soup_coffee.find("table", class_="genTbl closedTbl historicalTbl") 
coffee_titles = coffee_table.find_all("th", class_="noWrap") 

for coffee_title in coffee_titles: 
    price = coffee_title.find("td", class_="greenfont") 






[<th class="first left noWrap">Date</th>, <th class="noWrap">Price</th>, <th class="noWrap">Open</th>, <th class="noWrap">High</th>, <th class="noWrap">Low</th>, <th class="noWrap">Vol.</th>, <th class="noWrap">Change %</th>] 






from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 
from collections import OrderedDict 

r = requests.get("http://www.investing.com/commodities/us-coffee-c-historical-data") 
od = OrderedDict() 
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content,"lxml") 

# select the table 
table = soup.select_one("table.genTbl.closedTbl.historicalTbl") 

# all col names 
cols = [th.text for th in table.select("th")[1:]] 
# get all rows bar the first i.e the headers 
for row in table.select("tr + tr"): 
    # get all the data including the date 
    data = [td.text for td in row.select("td")] 
    # use date as the key and store list of values 
    od[data[0]] = dict(zip(cols, data[1:])) 

from pprint import pprint as pp 



{u'Jun 01, 2016': {u'Change %': u'0.29%', 
        u'High': u'123.10', 
        u'Low': u'120.85', 
        u'Open': u'121.50', 
        u'Price': u'121.90', 
        u'Vol.': u'18.55K'}, 
u'Jun 02, 2016': {u'Change %': u'0.90%', 
        u'High': u'124.40', 
        u'Low': u'122.15', 
        u'Open': u'122.50', 
        u'Price': u'123.00', 
        u'Vol.': u'22.11K'}, 
u'Jun 03, 2016': {u'Change %': u'3.33%', 
        u'High': u'127.40', 
        u'Low': u'122.50', 
        u'Open': u'122.60', 
        u'Price': u'127.10', 
        u'Vol.': u'28.47K'}, 
u'Jun 06, 2016': {u'Change %': u'3.62%', 
        u'High': u'132.05', 
        u'Low': u'127.10', 
        u'Open': u'127.30', 
        u'Price': u'131.70', 
        u'Vol.': u'30.65K'}, 
u'May 09, 2016': {u'Change %': u'2.49%', 
        u'High': u'126.60', 
        u'Low': u'123.28', 
        u'Open': u'125.65', 
        u'Price': u'126.53', 
        u'Vol.': u'-'}, 
u'May 10, 2016': {u'Change %': u'0.29%', 
        u'High': u'125.90', 
        u'Low': u'125.90', 
        u'Open': u'125.90', 
        u'Price': u'126.90', 
        u'Vol.': u'0.01K'}, 
u'May 11, 2016': {u'Change %': u'2.26%', 
        u'High': u'129.77', 
        u'Low': u'126.88', 
        u'Open': u'128.60', 
        u'Price': u'129.77', 
        u'Vol.': u'-'}, 
u'May 12, 2016': {u'Change %': u'-1.21%', 
        u'High': u'128.75', 
        u'Low': u'127.30', 
        u'Open': u'128.75', 
        u'Price': u'128.20', 
        u'Vol.': u'0.01K'}, 
u'May 13, 2016': {u'Change %': u'0.47%', 
        u'High': u'127.85', 
        u'Low': u'127.80', 
        u'Open': u'127.85', 
        u'Price': u'128.80', 
        u'Vol.': u'0.01K'}, 
u'May 16, 2016': {u'Change %': u'3.03%', 
        u'High': u'131.95', 
        u'Low': u'128.75', 
        u'Open': u'128.75', 
        u'Price': u'132.70', 
        u'Vol.': u'0.01K'}, 
u'May 17, 2016': {u'Change %': u'-0.64%', 
        u'High': u'132.60', 
        u'Low': u'132.60', 
        u'Open': u'132.60', 
        u'Price': u'131.85', 
        u'Vol.': u'-'}, 
u'May 18, 2016': {u'Change %': u'-1.93%', 
        u'High': u'129.65', 
        u'Low': u'128.15', 
        u'Open': u'128.85', 
        u'Price': u'129.30', 
        u'Vol.': u'0.02K'}, 
u'May 19, 2016': {u'Change %': u'-4.14%', 
        u'High': u'129.00', 
        u'Low': u'123.70', 
        u'Open': u'128.95', 
        u'Price': u'123.95', 
        u'Vol.': u'29.69K'}, 
u'May 20, 2016': {u'Change %': u'0.61%', 
        u'High': u'125.95', 
        u'Low': u'124.25', 
        u'Open': u'124.75', 
        u'Price': u'124.70', 
        u'Vol.': u'15.54K'}, 
u'May 23, 2016': {u'Change %': u'-2.04%', 
        u'High': u'124.70', 
        u'Low': u'122.00', 
        u'Open': u'124.50', 
        u'Price': u'122.15', 
        u'Vol.': u'15.89K'}, 
u'May 24, 2016': {u'Change %': u'-0.29%', 
        u'High': u'123.30', 
        u'Low': u'121.55', 
        u'Open': u'122.45', 
        u'Price': u'121.80', 
        u'Vol.': u'15.06K'}, 
u'May 25, 2016': {u'Change %': u'-0.33%', 
        u'High': u'122.95', 
        u'Low': u'121.20', 
        u'Open': u'122.45', 
        u'Price': u'121.40', 
        u'Vol.': u'18.11K'}, 
u'May 26, 2016': {u'Change %': u'0.08%', 
        u'High': u'122.15', 
        u'Low': u'121.20', 
        u'Open': u'121.90', 
        u'Price': u'121.50', 
        u'Vol.': u'19.27K'}, 
u'May 27, 2016': {u'Change %': u'-0.16%', 
        u'High': u'122.35', 
        u'Low': u'120.80', 
        u'Open': u'122.10', 
        u'Price': u'121.30', 
        u'Vol.': u'13.52K'}, 
u'May 31, 2016': {u'Change %': u'0.21%', 
        u'High': u'123.90', 
        u'Low': u'121.35', 
        u'Open': u'121.55', 
        u'Price': u'121.55', 
        u'Vol.': u'23.62K'}} 


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 
from collections import OrderedDict 

# data to post 
data = {"action": "historical_data", 
     "curr_id": "8832", 
     "st_date": "04/04/2016", 
     "end_date": "04/08/2016", 
     "interval_sec": "Daily"} 

# add a user agent and specify that we are making an ajax request 
head = { 

     "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.75 Safari/537.36", 
     "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"} 

with requests.Session() as s: 
    r = s.post("http://www.investing.com/instruments/HistoricalDataAjax", data=data, headers=head) 
    od = OrderedDict() 
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, "lxml") 

    table = soup.select_one("table.genTbl.closedTbl.historicalTbl") 
     cols = [th.text for th in table.select("th")][1:] 
    for row in table.select("tr + tr"): 
     data = [td.text for td in row.select("td")] 
     od[data[0]] = dict(zip(cols, data[1:])) 

from pprint import pprint as pp 



{u'Apr 04, 2016': {u'Change %': u'-3.50%', 
        u'High': u'126.55', 
        u'Low': u'122.30', 
        u'Open': u'125.80', 
        u'Price': u'122.80', 
        u'Vol.': u'25.18K'}, 
u'Apr 05, 2016': {u'Change %': u'-1.55%', 
        u'High': u'122.85', 
        u'Low': u'120.55', 
        u'Open': u'122.85', 
        u'Price': u'120.90', 
        u'Vol.': u'25.77K'}, 
u'Apr 06, 2016': {u'Change %': u'0.50%', 
        u'High': u'122.15', 
        u'Low': u'120.00', 
        u'Open': u'121.45', 
        u'Price': u'121.50', 
        u'Vol.': u'17.94K'}, 
u'Apr 07, 2016': {u'Change %': u'-1.40%', 
        u'High': u'122.60', 
        u'Low': u'119.60', 
        u'Open': u'122.35', 
        u'Price': u'119.80', 
        u'Vol.': u'32.69K'}} 


enter image description here


這是夢幻般的感謝你@padraiccunningham您的輸入謝謝你強調我沒有找到正確的標題標籤時遇到的問題,我相信這可能會被解釋爲初學者的疏忽!感謝您抽出一些時間來幫助解決我的問題。如果可以的話,你能解釋一下模仿和ajax調用post到[link](http://www.investing.com/instruments/HistoricalDataAjax)的步驟嗎?我不太明白那裏發生了什麼,或者爲什麼這是必要的以便打電話給特定日期? – da4l


我剛纔注意到的唯一問題是標題欄似乎錯開了。你的日期應該是你的價格,等等。由於「日期」列已將其推下,因此標題「更改%」未進入。我希望這是有道理的,在技術上你'日期'不必在 – da4l


@ da4l,我們不應該包括日期列,因爲這是我們在字典中的主要關鍵。對於在瀏覽器中檢索數據的ajax請求,打開開發人員工具並查看更改某些日期時會發生的情況,這不是一個簡單的get請求,其開始日期和結束日期爲params。 –