this is a long sentence. it contains a few full stops in it. I want to match the full stop after the halfway point.
this sentence is shorter. it also contains full stops but not many.
this is a long sentence. it contains a few full stops in it[.] I want to match the full stop after the halfway point.
this sentence is shorter. it also contains full stops but not many. [no match]
這聽起來很模糊。請參閱['。{30,}?\ K \。(?=。{30,})'](https://regex101.com/r/P6JIa5/2/),它只會匹配30或30之後的點。更多的字符,如果跟着30個或更多的字符。 –
這很快,我還沒有完成編輯問題。這是不是匹配?它實際上是一個preg_split。 – Hasen
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