2012-09-02 36 views

我想重定向輸出到task1.txt。正常的打印功能完美地工作,但文本不能用sys.stdout重定向。Python 3:sys.stdout不工作

import random 
import sys 
num_lines = 10 

# read the contents of your file into a list 
sys.stdout = open('C:\\Dropbox\\Python\\task1.txt','w') 
with open('master.txt', 'r') as f: 
    lines = [L for L in f if L.strip()] # store non-empty lines 

# get the line numbers of lines that are not marked 
candidates = [i for i, L in enumerate(lines) if not L.startswith("*")] 

# if there are too few candidates, simply select all 
if len(candidates) > num_lines: 
    selected = random.sample(candidates, num_lines) 
    selected = candidates # choose all 

# print the lines that were selected 
# write.selected(sys.stdout) 
print ("".join(lines[i] for i in selected)) 

# Mark selected lines in original content 
for i in selected: 
    lines[i] = "*%s" % lines[i] # prepend "*" to selected lines 

# overwrite the file with modified content 
with open('master.txt', 'w') as f: 

爲什麼你不只是使用'out.write'其中'out'是你的輸出文件?重定向'sys.stdout'對我來說聽起來像一個醜陋的黑客。 –


更重要的是,當您重新分配sys.stdout時,您只會將其重新分配給將來查找sys.stdout的程序的任何部分。打印功能還沒有stdout的句柄,我認爲它甚至不可能使用sys.stdout,因爲打印功能是用C編寫的。 換句話說:sys.stdout不是stdout。 sys.stdout *點*到標準輸出。替換sys.stdout不會以您期望的方式重定向stdout。 –



不要重新分配sys.stdout。相反,使用在print() functionfile選項:

with open('C:\\Dropbox\\Python\\task1.txt','w') as output: 
    print ("".join(lines[i] for i in selected), file=output)