<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type='text/javascript'
async defer></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var map, infobox, tooltip;
var tooltipTemplate = '<div style="background-color:white;height:20px;width:150px;padding:5px;text-align:center"><b>{title}</b></div>';
function GetMap() {
map = new Microsoft.Maps.Map('#myMap', {
credentials: Your Bing Maps Key'
//Create a second infobox to use as a tooltip when hovering.
tooltip = new Microsoft.Maps.Infobox(map.getCenter(), {
visible: false,
showPointer: false,
showCloseButton: false,
offset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(-75, 10)
//Create an infobox at the center of the map but don't show it.
infobox = new Microsoft.Maps.Infobox(map.getCenter(), {
visible: false
//Assign the infobox to a map instance.
//Create random locations in the map bounds.
var randomLocations = Microsoft.Maps.TestDataGenerator.getLocations(5, map.getBounds());
for (var i = 0; i < randomLocations.length; i++) {
var pin = new Microsoft.Maps.Pushpin(randomLocations[i]);
//Store some metadata with the pushpin.
pin.metadata = {
title: 'Pin ' + i,
description: 'Discription for pin' + i
//Add a click event handler to the pushpin.
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin, 'click', pushpinClicked);
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin, 'mouseover', pushpinHovered);
Microsoft.Maps.Events.addHandler(pin, 'mouseout', closeTooltip);
//Add pushpin to the map.
function pushpinClicked(e) {
//Hide the tooltip
//Make sure the infobox has metadata to display.
if (e.target.metadata) {
//Set the infobox options with the metadata of the pushpin.
location: e.target.getLocation(),
title: e.target.metadata.title,
description: e.target.metadata.description,
visible: true
function pushpinHovered(e) {
//Hide the infobox
infobox.setOptions({ visible: false });
//Make sure the infobox has metadata to display.
if (e.target.metadata) {
//Set the infobox options with the metadata of the pushpin.
location: e.target.getLocation(),
htmlContent: tooltipTemplate.replace('{title}', e.target.metadata.title),
visible: true
function closeTooltip() {
htmlContent: ' ',
visible: false
<div id="myMap" style="position:relative;width:600px;height:400px;"></div>
謝謝你rbrundritt重播它爲我工作,我有條件在鼠標懸停縣部分突出顯示,並單擊選擇縣。 – bharat