pthread_t client_thread1, client_thread2;
int *child_thread_data = new int;
pthread_mutex_t testlock;
typedef struct
int thread_no;
char thread_name[100];
} thrdata;
int main()
void *ret_data1 = new
void *ret_data2 = new
thrdata thr1;
thrdata thr2;
thr1.thread_no = 10;
strcpy((thr1.thread_name), "thread one");
thr2.thread_no = 20;
strcpy((thr2.thread_name), "thread two");
pthread_create(&client_thread1, &attr, &client_handler, &thr1);
pthread_create(&client_thread2, &attr, &client_handler, &thr2);
cout << "value of ret_data1 before thread 1 join " << *(int *) ret_data1
<< endl;
cout << "value of ret_data2 before thread 2 join " << *(int *) ret_data2
<< endl;
pthread_join(client_thread1, &ret_data1);
cout << "value returned by thread1 is " << *(int *) ret_data1 << endl;
pthread_join(client_thread2, &ret_data2);
cout << "value returned by thread2 is " << *(int *) ret_data2 << endl;
return 0;
void *client_handler(void *arg)
thrdata *client_thd;
client_thd = (thrdata *) arg;
cout << "inside client_handler value of private data no is \n"
<< client_thd->thread_no << endl;
cout << "inside client_handler value of private data name is \n"
<< client_thd->thread_name << endl;
if (pthread_equal(client_thread1, pthread_self()))
*child_thread_data = 100;
pthread_exit((void *) &child_thread_data);
else if (pthread_equal(client_thread2, pthread_self()))
*child_thread_data = 200;
pthread_exit((void *) &child_thread_data);
value of ret_data1 before thread 1 join 0
value of ret_data2 before thread 2 join 0
inside client_handler value of private data no is 20
inside client_handler value of private data name is thread two
calling pthread_exit of thread2 and value of child_thread_data is 200
inside client_handler value of private data no is 10
inside client_handler value of private data name is thread one
calling pthread_exit of thread1 and value of child_thread_data is 100
value returned by thread1 is 28262416
value returned by thread2 is 28262416
C中支持「new」嗎? –