<% foreach (string s in Html.RadioButtonList("rbl")) {%>
<% =s %>
<% } %>
<% foreach (string s in Html.RadioButtonList("rbl")) {%>
<% =s %>
<% } %>
查看codeplex上的MVC source中提供的MVC Futures DLL。其中有一個HtmlHelper擴展來渲染RadioButton列表。它可以自動在ViewData中渲染一個SelectList,或者你可以顯式地傳遞它。有幾種過載可用於不同的需求。
但它不會呈現標籤,因爲問題所述。 – usr 2010-01-13 14:20:08
<% foreach (Model model in Models))
%><%= String.Format("<input type=\"radio\" value=\"{0}\" name=\"{1}\" id=\"{2}\"><label for=\"{2}\">{3}</label>",
model.ID, "fieldName", model.modelID, model.Name) %><br />
<% } %>
Elijah Manor寫在ASP.NET MVC 1.0同樣的煩惱:
ASP.NET MVC Html.RadioButtonList Blues
<!-- After using and looking at the code for the Html.RadioButtonList in the ASP.NET MVC 1.0 RTM codebase, I'm not sure how it is supposed to be useful. It only outputs the actual input radio button and doesn't render any corresponding labels. To get around this I ended up writing a foreach creating individual Html.RadioButton and labels -->
var radioButtonList = new SelectList(new List<ListItem> {
new ListItem { Text = "Current", Value="false", Selected=true },
new ListItem { Text = "Other", Value="true"}}, "Value", "Text", "false");
var htmlAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "class", "radioButtonList" },
{ "onclick", "if(eval(this.value)) { $('#tblDate').show('slow'); } else { $('#tblDate').hide('slow'); }" }
foreach (var radiobutton in radioButtonList) { %>
<%=Html.RadioButton("rblDate", radiobutton.Value, radiobutton.Selected, htmlAttributes)%>
<% } %>
var radioButtonList = new SelectList(new List<ListItem> {
new ListItem { Text = "1", Value="true", Selected=true },
new ListItem { Text = "2", Value="false"},
new ListItem { Text = "3", Value="false"},
new ListItem { Text = "4", Value="false"},
}, "Value", "Text", "false");
var htmlAttributes = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "class", "radioButtonList" },
{ "onclick", "if(eval(this.value)) { $('#tblDate').show('slow'); } else { $('#tblDate').hide('slow'); }" }
@foreach (var radiobutton in radioButtonList) {
@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.ContactDepartment, @radiobutton.Text) @radiobutton.Text
看到漂亮的助手丹尼爾Gidman,2012年6月14日,here。 他爲MVC中的RadioButtonList創建了一個漂亮完美的助手。
使用這裏的radiolist助手:http://awesome.codeplex.com – Omu 2011-05-20 17:26:33