2015-10-13 75 views





  1. 複製從公式計算出的值,並將其粘貼到一個新的細胞。
  2. 確定文本「Item:」的起始位置及其包含的字符數
  3. 確定所需顏色的顏色值。


Sub avgSumColor() 
    Dim rngFormulaCell As Range, rngValueCell As Range 
    Dim itemStart As Integer, itemLength As Integer 

    'Set the cell with the formula and the cell where we'll put the value 
    Set rngFormulaCell = Sheet1.Range("D1") 
    Set rngValueCell = Sheet1.Range("D2") 

    'Copy/Paste special (just set the value of the valuecell to the value of the formulacell) 
    rngValueCell.Value = rngFormulaCell.Value 

    'Figure out where "Item:<number>" starts and 
    ' how many characters long it is 
    itemStart = InStr(1, rngValueCell.Value, "Items") 
    itemLength = Len(rngValueCell.Value) + 1 - itemStart 

    'set the first bit up to the text "Item:<number>" to red 
    rngValueCell.Characters(1, itemStart).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) 

    'set the last bit containing "Item:<number>" to black 
    rngValueCell.Characters(itemStart, itemLength).Font.Color = RGB(1, 1, 1) 
End Sub 