我有兩個表; EndToEnd和PartPort。我想從EndToEnd中的同一行中獲取PartPortA和PartportB數據,並使用它們查詢Partport,並從Partport中獲取其可能位於Partport表中任何行的PartGid。到目前爲止,我可以做到這一點,但我必須做兩個不同的LINQ調用,但我想將其降低到一個。這裏是我的代碼:C#Linq語句加入兩個表和多列
// this demonstrates how to join two tables, however only works for one AssetportGid at a time
var part_portGid_a_results = (from icp in entities.EndToEnd
where icp.IntertPortGidA != null &&
icp.IntertPortGidB != null
join ica in entities.PartPort
on icp.PartPortA equals ica.PortGid
select new { icp.PartPortA, ica.PartGid, }).ToList();
var part_portGid_b_results = (from icp in entities.EndToEnd
where icp.IntertPortGidA != null &&
icp.IntertPortGidB != null
join ica in entities.PartPort
on icp.PartPortB equals ica.PortGid
select new { icp.PartPortA, ica.PartGid, }).ToList();
return Json(part_portGid_a_results, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
var part_portGid_a_results = (from icp in entities.EndToEnd
where icp.IntertPortGidA != null &&
icp.IntertPortGidB != null
join ica in entities.PartPort
on icp.PartPortA && icp.PartPortB equals ica.PortGid
select new { icp.PartPortA, ica.PartGid, }).ToList();
Guid? EndToEnd.PartPortB
Operator '&&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'System.Guid' and 'System.Guid?'
鏈接行「上icp.PartPortA && icp.PartPortB等於ica.PortGid」不正確,它不是一個有效的布爾表達式,因爲icp.PartPortA是一個Guid,而不是布爾值。你是否想加入兩個欄目?然後試試這個,而不是:「on icp.PartPortA等於ica.PortGid && icp.PartPortB等於ica.PortGid」 – HaukurHaf
智能感知似乎不喜歡那 – DeeTee
可能是因爲一個是可以爲空的GUID,另一個不是...(使用.Value可空的guid) – HaukurHaf