目前,我有一個流程設置,導致文件 - 'cb.txt' - 被添加到我的Dropbox。我通過應用程序名稱'Dropbox'和添加的備註標題'cb.txt'得到一個低吼通知。我想'cb.txt added'通知運行一個applescript,將文本從cb.txt複製到我的剪貼板。低吼通知的規則可以在here找到。運行Applescript與咆哮2.1規則
set the_file to "HardDrive:Users:Me:Dropbox:Folder:cb.txt"
set the_text to (do shell script "cat " & quoted form of (POSIX path of the_file))
set the clipboard to the_text
我保存這個文件來~/Library/Application Scripts/com.Growl.GrowlHelperApp
using terms from application "Growl"
on perform action with notification
ignoring case
if notification's app name is Dropbox then
if notification's note title contains "cb.txt added" then
set the_file to "Macintosh HD:Users:Caleb:Dropbox:Apps:CBApp:cb.txt"
set the_text to (do shell script "cat " & quoted form of (POSIX path of the_file))
set the clipboard to the_text
end if
end if
end ignoring
end perform action
end using terms from
using terms from application "Growl"
on evaluate notification with notification
--Rules go in here
--Ultimately return what you want Growl to do with the notification
end evaluate notification
end using terms from
我沒有看到任何地方在該教程頁他們在哪裏提到應用程序名稱,你有沒有嘗試過,如果聲明?另外,你有沒有嘗試把「Dropbox」放在引號中? – scohe001
嗨@josh,這並不讓我感到驚訝,低吼頁面並沒有顯示出更好的效果。我有時會發現他們的頁面缺乏細節。因爲您正在使用應用程序「Growl」中的條款,所以只要正確使用它們,就可以使用growl sdef的任何屬性。如果您不能使用應用程序名稱,那麼評估多個規則將會更困難。 – markhunte