2017-04-11 91 views

我繼承的遺產系統,其中一部分在Unix讀取MQ消息(在SunOS 5.10 Generic_142901-13)Unix MQ命令的用法?


$HOME/bin/mq -g1 -dN -q $QUEUE -m $QUEUE_MANAGER $HOME/bin/out/output.xml 




bash-3.2$ file ./mq 
./mq: ELF 32-bit LSB executable 80386 Version 1, dynamically linked, not stripped, no debugging information available 

是什麼'文件$ HOME /斌/ mq'說?它可能是調用其他命令的腳本(因爲某個產品二進制文件在$ HOME的某個位置似乎有點不尋常)。 –


@ Christian.K見編輯 –




bash-3.2$ less mq 
"mq" may be a binary file. See it anyway? 


Copyright (C) 2007 
Computer Sciences Corporation 
All rights reserved. 
^@^@^@usage: mq -p[iaBDc] [-P#] [-dc] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR] [E#] [-S# [-w#]] [T#]\ 
      [-r[RQNAME]] [-R+options+RQNAME] [-xXQNAME] [-o[filename]]\ 
     mq -g[#BDc] [-I#] [-L#] [-r#] [-dc] [-t] [-w#] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR]\ 
      [-xXQNAME] [-s[dirspec]|filename] 
     mq -b[#BDf] [-I#] [-L#] [-dc] [-w#] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR] [-xXQNAME]\ 
     mq -b[#BDi] [-I#] [-L#] [-dc] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR] [-xXQNAME]\ 
     mq -e[#riBD] process [-I#] [-L#] [-w#] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR] [-xXQNAME]\ 
      [-t] [-s[dirspec]|filename] 
     mq -n [-Dw#] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR] [-xXQNAME] 
     mq -C[#Dc] [-I#] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR] [-xXQNAME] 
     PUTs, GETs, BROWSEs, processes, and clears MQSeries(R) messages 
     *** WARNING: do not use a single instance of this utility to 
        put messages over a long period of time. Because 
        it is tied up trying to read a message, it can't 
        sense that the Queue Manager is quiescing, so the 
        Queue Manager cannot be stopped normally! 
     notes: - if filename is not specified, stdin is used as input, 
        or stdout is used for output 
       - errors are written to stderr 
        they can be appended '2>> file.log' for logging 
       - errors can also be written to MQ_EXCEPT if this is desired 
       - multiple GET or Browse messages will each be ended by line: 
        ======= end of message ======= 
        unless -d is specified 
^@^@   - maximum message size is %d bytes 
^@^@^@^@  Common options: 
      -D prints out debug info at every step. 
      -h prints this usage statement. 
      -mQM set the name of the queue manager to QM. 
      -qQ set the name of the put, get, browse, or inquire queue to Q. 
      -v prints version number of this utility to stdout. 
      -xQ puts error messages into queue Q. 
      mq -p[iaBDc] [-dc] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR] [-P#] [E#] [-S[#] [-w#]]\ 
       [T#] [-r[RQNAME]] [-R+options+RQNAME] [-xXQNAME]\ 
       [-o[filename]] [filenames] 
      -p PUT a message from stdin|filename to MQ_PUT 
       PUT multiple messages if -d is specified and -S is not. 
       a asks for message input, doesn't work with -S or -o options. 
       B binary PUT, the message descriptor Format is set to MQFMT_NONE. 
       c commit after each each message put. If messages are being 
       split then each message segment put is committed individually. 
       Committing split messages violates the transactional nature of 
       MQSeries, so use it only when extremely large messages are 
       being split. 
       dc defines the delimiter 'c' which separates messages in an 
       input stream: 
       'n' which is translated to newline, 
       'f' which is translated to formfeed, 
       and any other character is used directly as the delimiter. 
       The delimiter is not included as a part of a message. 
       If the -S and/or -o options are used, then this option defines 
       the delimiter on which the message is segmented. In this case 
       the delimiter is included as a part of the message and is the 
       last character in each message segment. A newline is the 
       delimiter for a split non-binary message. 
       E# message expires in # seconds, default is unlimited. 
       when expiry is set, messages are set to be NOT PERSISTENT. 
       I# PUT message(s) with message id = #. 
       i prints message id number to stdout after a successful put. 
       o the dequeued file will have the same name as the enqueued file 
       see option oF just below for mechanism details. 
       oF specifies the name of the file (F) into which the message 
       is dequeued from the receiving queue. This option causes two 
       or more messages to be sent, the first includes the name of the 
       file, the remaining messages are the contents of a split 
       message. Only relatively defined subdirectories are allowed, 
       no decending (../) subdirectories are allowed. 
       P# sets the message priority (# in 0-9), default priority is 5. 
       The defalut priority for a split message is 1, each message 
       segment of a split message has a priority one less than 
       the first segment of a split message. 
       R+ requests a report to be sent to MQ_REPLY or RQNAME if 
       reports can be a combination of: 
        EXCEPTION     exception report 
        EXCEPTION_WITH_DATA   with 100 bytes of msg 
        EXCEPTION_WITH_FULL_DATA with original msg 
        EXPIRATION    message has expired 
        EXPIRATION_WITH_DATA  with 100 bytes of msg 
        EXPIRATION_WITH_FULL_DATA with original msg 
        COA      confirmation of arrival 
        COA_WITH_DATA    with 100 bytes of msg 
        COA_WITH_FULL_DATA   with original msg 
        COD      confirmation of delivery 
        COD_WITH_DATA    with 100 bytes of msg 
        COD_WITH_FULL_DATA   with original msg 
        NEW_MSG_ID    report gets a new MsgId (default) 
        PASS_MSG_ID    report gets MsgId of msg 
        COPY_MSG_ID_TO_CORREL_ID report gets CorrelId from MsgId 
        PASS_CORREL_ID   report gets CorrelId from msg 
        DEAD_LETTER_Q    on error send original msg to DLQ 
        DISCARD_MSG    on error discard the original msg 
       rQ PUT a REQUEST to MQ_REQUEST, expect reply on MQ_REPLY 
       or Q if r is followed by a Q name. 
       S# splits a very large message into ~1Meg segments and puts each 
       message segment as a separate message. # specifies the record 
       size if you have fixed length records. If record size is 
       specified then messages will be split on a multiple of the 
       record size. If a delimiter is specified, then messages will 
       be split just after a delimiter. If no delimiter is specified, 
       no record size is specified, and the message is not binary 
       then the message will be split after newlines. If the message 
       is binary and no record length is specified then the message 
       will be split at 1Meg intervals. You are not allowed to 
       specify both a delimiter and a record size. 
       The default priority of a split message is 0. 
       T# sets the message descriptor MsgType to #, 
       this is ignored when a -r (request) is specified. 
       w# is used to throttle putting extremely large messages, 
       it limits the flow to a 1Meg message every # seconds 
       for a maximum of 60 seconds. 
      mq -g[#BDc] [-I#] [-L#] [-r#] [-dc] [-t] [-w#] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR]\ 
       [-xXQNAME] [-s[dirspec]|filename] 
      -g GET message(s) from MQ_GET, print to filename|stdout. 
       # GET # messages from MQ_GET then quit. 
       B binary GET, no character conversion is done. 
       c commit after each each message received. 
       dc defines the delimiter 'c' placed between incoming messages: 
       'n' which is translated to newline, 
       'f' which is translated to formfeed, 
       'N' is translated to no delimiter between incoming messages, 
       and any other character is used directly as the delimiter. 
       I# GET message(s) with message id = #. 
       L# GET exactly # bytes, space fill if the message is shorter 
       than # bytes, otherwise truncate it. 
       -L0dN (displaying zero length with no delimiters) is a good 
         way to delete messages on a queue. 
       r# GET only one REPLY message from MQ_REPLY whose 
       correlation id is #, if # is not specified then 
       the correlation id is read from stdin. 
       s saves the message in a file whose name is the UTC date in 
       usecs, followed by .MsgType if the MsgType is not a SYSTEM 
       MsgType. dirspec is an optional directory specification 
       it must be adjacent to -s, not a separate argument 
       t use MQSeries' trigger data to determine GET queue 
       failed operations with a triggered queue disables 
       triggering of that queue. 
       w# set GET wait interval for GET to # seconds. 
       -w10 will cause mq to wait for 10 seconds for more messages, 
       -w-10 will cause mq to wait forever for incoming messages but 
         check every 10 seconds for a ^C interrupt. 
      mq -b[#BDf] [-I#] [-L#] [-dc] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR] [-xXQNAME]\ 
      -b browse message(s) from MQ_BROWSE, print to filename|stdout, 
       browsing only looks at a snapshot of what is in the queue, 
       it is not designed to wait for more incoming messages. 
       # browse # messages from MQ_BROWSE then quit. 
       B binary BROWSE, no character conversion is done. 
       dc defines the delimiter 'c' placed between incoming messages: 
       'n' which is translated to newline, 
       'f' which is translated to formfeed, 
       'N' is translated to no delimiter between incoming messages, 
       and any other character is used directly as the delimiter. 
       f force a raw browse, split messages may not be displayed 
       in order. 
       I# browse message(s) with message id = #. 
       i print MQSeries header information, not the message. 
       L# browse exactly # bytes, space fill if the message is shorter 
       than # bytes, otherwise truncate it. 
       s saves the message in a file whose name is the UTC date in 
       usecs, followed by .MsgType if the MsgType is not a SYSTEM 
       MsgType. dirspec is an optional directory specification 
       it must be adjacent to -s, not a separate argument. 
      mq -e[#riBD] process [-I#] [-L#] [-w#] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR]\ 
       [-xXQNAME] [-t] [-s[dirspec]|filename] 
      -e GET message(s) from MQ_GET, process them by executing the 
       process specified in the following command line argument. 
       The process is executed once for each message. 
       If a -s[dirspec] or filename is specified, the message is 
       saved to a file, and the process is called, otherwise the 
       process must accept the message from stdin, the message is 
       dequeued only if the process exits normally. The following 
       special characters in the process string will be replaced: 
        # in the process string will be replaced by the incoming 
        message's message id 
        = in the process string will be replaced by the incoming 
        message's correlation id 
        ~ in the process string will be replaced by the incoming 
        message's MsgType 
        @ in the process string will be replaced by the filename 
        if -oFILENAME was specified when the file was put, 
        or if the -s[dirspec] or filename is specified on the 
         command line. 
       # quit after processing # messages. 
       B binary GET, no character conversion is done. 
       I# process message(s) with message id = #. 
       i print reply message id number to stdout (for logging). 
       r send executed process's stdout to the GET message's 
       ReplyToQmgr:ReplyToQ, process *must NOT* redirect to stdout. 
       t use MQSeries' trigger data to determine GET queue 
       process *must NOT* have a visible pipe (|). 
       failed operations with a triggered queue disables 
       triggering of that queue. 
       w# set GET wait interval for GET to # seconds. 
       -w10 will cause mq to wait for 10 seconds for more messages, 
       -w-10 will cause mq to wait forever for incoming messages but 
         check every 10 seconds for a ^C interrupt. 
      mq -n [-D] [-w#] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR] [-xXQNAME] 
      -n print number of messages on MQ_INQUIRE to stdout. 
       w# will cause the -n to repeat every # seconds 
       output will be qmgr(if known),queue,UTC,curdepth 
       this will continue until the process is killed. 
      mq -C[#Dc] [-I#] [-qQNAME] [-mQMGR] [-xXQNAME] 
      -C clear # message(s) from MQ_GET 
       # the number of messages to clear from the queue, if # is not 
       specified, then all of the messages are cleared. 
       c commits each message cleared, this can take a while, but 
       may have to be done if many messages need to be cleared 
       and you don't want to take the time to clear in lots of #. 
       I# clear message(s) with message id = #. 
     Environment variables: 
      export MQ_QMGR=queue_manager_name 
       the queue manager must be specified if it is not the default 
       queue manager. 
      export MQ_PUT=put_to_queue_name 
      export MQ_GET=get_from_queue_name 
      export MQ_BROWSE=browse_from_queue_name 
      export MQ_REQUEST=request_to_queue_name 
      export MQ_REPLY=get_reply_from_queue_name 
      export MQ_INQUIRE=inquire_of_queue_name 
      export MQ_EXCEPT=report_exception_to_queue_name 
     MQSeries is a registered trade mark of the IBM Corporation. 
