我想實現兩個PHP函數來禁用圖像調整大小的動畫WordPress的gif圖像。如果文件MIME類型爲gif,則有solution禁用上載,但這還不夠。 GIF也可以只是一個圖像。 所以我想我把它和一個PHP腳本結合起來,通過使用這個solution來檢查一個文件是否是動畫gif。這似乎工作,如果我讓我的主題文件回聲這個功能,但似乎不起作用,如果我在functions.php中使用它。禁用圖像調整大小,如果動畫gif
* Detects animated GIF from given file pointer resource or filename.
* @param resource|string $file File pointer resource or filename
* @return bool
function is_animated_gif($file)
$fp = null;
if (is_string($file)) {
$fp = fopen($file, "rb");
} else {
$fp = $file;
/* Make sure that we are at the beginning of the file */
fseek($fp, 0);
if (fread($fp, 3) !== "GIF") {
return false;
$frames = 0;
while (!feof($fp) && $frames < 2) {
if (fread($fp, 1) === "\x00") {
/* Some of the animated GIFs do not contain graphic control extension (starts with 21 f9) */
if (fread($fp, 1) === "\x21" || fread($fp, 2) === "\x21\xf9") {
return $frames > 1;
function disable_upload_sizes($sizes, $metadata) {
$uploads = wp_upload_dir();
$upload_path = $uploads['baseurl'];
$relative_path = $metadata['file'];
$file_url = $upload_path . $relative_path;
if(is_animated_gif($file_url)) {
$sizes = array();
// Return sizes you want to create from image (None if image is gif.)
return $sizes;
add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'disable_upload_sizes', 10, 2);
加上'爲GIF或'狀況以及在這一行:'如果(FREAD($ FP,3)== 「GIF」!){' –
嗯...但我只想過濾出動畫的filetype gif,爲什麼要添加一個或一個條件,它會是什麼? – r1987
我的意思是,如果(fread($ fp,3)!==「GIF」|| fread($ fp,3)!==「gif」){' –