你能不能幫我這個: 我的平板電腦Galaxy Tab的10.1,復位按下電源按鈕15秒使軟復位,因爲凍結加載應用程序,無法加載觸摸屏驅動程序後。 dmesg的消息:的Android無法加載驅動程序的觸摸屏上三星Galaxy Tab 10.1
<6>[ 7.163493] mXT1386: mxt_probe
<6>[ 7.163501] maXTouch driver
<6>[ 7.163507] "sec_touch"
<6>[ 7.163513] addr: 0x004c
<6>[ 7.163519] irq: 220
<6>[ 7.163525] flags: 0x0000
<6>[ 7.163531] adapter:"Tegra I2C adapter"
<6>[ 7.163537] device: "(null)"
<3>[ 7.163685] tegra-i2c tegra-i2c.1: I2c error status 0x00000008
<3>[ 7.169602] tegra-i2c tegra-i2c.1: no acknowledge from address 0x4c
<3>[ 7.176023] tegra-i2c tegra-i2c.1: Packet status 0x00010009
<6>[ 7.182700] Warning: To wake up touch-ic in deep sleep, retry i2c communication!
<3>[ 7.222752] tegra-i2c tegra-i2c.1: I2c error status 0x00000008
<3>[ 7.228727] tegra-i2c tegra-i2c.1: no acknowledge from address 0x4c
<3>[ 7.235061] tegra-i2c tegra-i2c.1: Packet status 0x00010009
<3>[ 7.241798] sec_touch 1-004c: Failure accessing maXTouch device
<3>[ 7.247800] sec_touch 1-004c: Chip could not be identified
<6>[ 7.253434] p3_touch_exit_hw
<4>[ 7.253455] sec_touch: probe of 1-004c failed with error 255
<6>[ 7.253510] Successfully added driver sec_touch
我清理緩存,數據,CWM系統文件夾,然後重新安裝股票ROM p7510uekmm並沒有什麼happend