2013-07-16 38 views







@interface TouchableLayer() 
    CAShapeLayer *_slider; // The interactive slider that gets moved around the circle. 

-(id) initWithPosition:(NSInteger) position // Designated initializer for this layer. 
    if (self = [super init]) 
     _slider = [CAShapeLayer layer]; 

     _slider.fillColor = [UIColor blackColor].CGColor; 

     [self addSublayer:_slider]; 

    return self; 

-(void) setFrame:(CGRect)frame 
    [super setFrame:frame]; 

    _slider.frame = frame; 

    // This path is currently hardcoded to be in the right starting spot according to 
    // other UI elements, but the magic numbers will go away once I figure out this 
    // rotation issue. 
    _slider.path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:CGRectMake(self.bounds.size.width-47, self.bounds.size.height/2-5, 30.0f, 10.0f)].CGPath; 


// Checks if the given touch location was on the slider. Returns YES if it was and NO if it was not. 
-(BOOL) checkSliderTouchAtPoint: (CGPoint) point 
    if (CGPathContainsPoint(_slider.path , NULL, point, NO)) 
     return YES; 
     return NO; 

// Purpose: Takes the given touch location, determines the angle (in radians) that it forms with respect the center of the screen, 
//    and returns that angle on the interval [0-2pi] radians. [0-2pi] radians follows a positive counterclockwise path. 
-(double) angleForTouchPoint:(CGPoint) point 
    // We use the positive counterclockwise coordinate system in the drawing code since that's what's used traditionally 
    // outside of Apple's APIs, so multiplying the result of 
    // atan2() by -1 converts the angle from a positive clockwise unit circle to a positive counterclockwise 
    // unit circle. 

    double angleInRadians = -1*atan2(point.y - (self.frame.size.height/2), point.x - self.frame.size.width/2); 

    if (angleInRadians < 0) // Convert angle to 0 - 2pi radians; we want non-negative angles. 
     angleInRadians += M_PI*2; 

    return angleInRadians; 
// points get fed into this from the UIView. 
-(void) updateWithTouchAtPoint:(CGPoint) point 
    if ([self checkSliderTouchAtPoint:point]) 
     double touchAngle = [self angleForTouchPoint:point]; 
     _slider.transform = CATransform3DMakeRotation(-M_PI, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Hardcoded angle rotation for now since I need to do some subtraction later in order to determine the amount to rotate based on touches. 





-(BOOL) checkSliderTouchAtPoint: (CGPoint) point 
    CGPoint pointInSliderLayer = [_slider convertPoint: point fromLayer: self.layer]; 
    return CGPathContainsPoint(_slider.path , NULL, pointInSliderLayer, NO); 

感謝您的答覆,它看起來像你的解決方案工作。我現在唯一的問題仍然是,它看起來不再圍繞屏幕中心旋轉整個圖層,而是將圖形旋轉到位,而不會沿着圓圈移動。有沒有一個錨點或我可以設置的東西,以便沿着圓形路徑旋轉滑塊,而無需爲每次觸摸手動翻譯它? –


實際上,事實證明,我添加了一些處理setFrame方法中的邊界/ etc的代碼,並導致它不像我最初發布時那樣旋轉。沒關係! –


偉大! +1。 – Unheilig