2017-07-30 40 views

爲了讓三種不同的算法在相同的代碼中工作,我使用JavaScript進行工作,我爲每種算法設置了一個函數。我試圖得到三個Primality測試方法:試驗分部,費馬原始性測試和米勒拉賓原始性測試。前兩個工作正常,但米勒拉賓不是。我對JavaScript和編程一般都很陌生,所以如果你能找到我出錯的地方或想辦法讓它工作,請告訴我!謝謝!JavaScript上的Miller Rabin Primality測試錯誤

// 1531 6389 68819 688889 6388819 
// 68883889 688838831 1000000009 
// 561 is a Carmichael number; a Fermat pseudoprime with the property a^n-1 = 1 mod n, for any "a" coprime to 561. 
input = 5491763; 
numTrials = 2000; 

document.getElementById("input").innerHTML = input; 

function TrialDiv(n) { 

    if (n === 1) { 
    return false; 
    } else if (n === 2) { 
    return true; 
    } else { 
    for (var x = 2; x < n; x++) { 
     if (n % x === 0) { 
     return false; 
    return true; 

if ((TrialDiv(input)) === true) { 
    a = "Prime" 
} else if ((TrialDiv(input)) === false) { 
    a = "Composite" 
function gcd(x, y) { 
    while (y !== 0) { 
    var z = x % y; 
    x = y; 
    y = z; 
    return x; 

function getRndInteger(max) { 
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - 2)) + 2; 
function Fermat(n) { 

    for (var t = 0; t = numTrials; t++) { 
    m = getRndInteger(input); 
    if (gcd(m, n) !== 1) { 
     return false; 
    return (Math.pow(m, n - 1) % n !== 1); 

if ((Fermat(input)) === true) { 
    b = "Prime"; 
} else if ((Fermat(input)) === false) { 
    b = "Composite"; 
function genD(n) { // Generates "d" such that "n-1 = 2^s * d" 
    var p = n - 1; 
    var d = p/2; 
    while (d % 2 === 0) { 
    d = d/2; 
    return d; 

function genS() { // Generates "s" such that "n-1 = 2^s * d" 
    var s = Math.log2(p/d); 
    return s; 
function MillerRabin(n) { 

    for (var t = 0; t < numTrials; t++) { 
    m = getRndInteger(input); 
    if (gcd(m, n) !== 1) { 
     return false; 
    } else { 
     for (var r = 0; r < genS(); r++) { 
     power = (Math.pow(2, r) * genD(input)); 
     if (Math.pow(m, genD(input)) % n === 1 || Math.pow(m, power) % n === -1) { 
      return true; 
     } else { 
      return false; 
     return true; 
    return true; 

if ((MillerRabin(input)) === true) { 
    c = "Prime"; 
} else if ((MillerRabin(input)) === false) { 
    c = "Composite"; 
    <button type="button" onclick='document.getElementById("TrialDivision").innerHTML = a; document.getElementById("FermatTest").innerHTML = b; document.getElementById("MillerRabinTest").innerHTML = c; '>Show</button> 

    <b style="color:rgb(0,0,120)">PRIMALITY TESTS</b> 
    <l id="input"></l> 

    <h5 style="color:rgb(160,0,0)">TRIAL DIVISION</h5> 
    <i id="TrialDivision"></i> 

    <h5 style="color:rgb(160,0,0)">FERMAT PRIMALITY TEST</h5> 
    <i id="FermatTest"></i> 

    <h5 style="color:rgb(160,0,0)">MILLER-RABIN PRIMALITY TEST</h5> 
    <i id="MillerRabinTest"></i> 




你做了什麼調試?錯誤來自哪裏? – Carcigenicate


當輸入數字爲素數時,Miller-Rabin「輸出」將不顯示任何內容,但可正確識別合成物。 –


你應該修復你的縮進。您可能在某個分支中錯過了return語句。儘管事物縮進不正確,但很難說清楚。 – Carcigenicate





function genD(n) { // Generates "d" such that "n-1 = 2^s * d" 
    var p = n - 1; 
    var d = p/2; 
    while (d % 2 === 0) { 
     d = d/2; 
    return d; 

function genS(n) { // Generates "s" such that "n-1 = 2^s * d" 
    var p = n - 1 
    var d = p/2 
    var s = Math.log2(p/d); 
    return s; 


for (var t = 0; t = numTrials; t++) { 


for (var t = 0; t == numTrials; t++) { 




我試過了,它總是輸出真 –


是@AgusPerezDelCastillo - 還有很多其他問題,請參閱更新。 –


因此,我將MillerRabin中的返回值更改爲for循環之外,並且它工作正常。但是當我對費馬做同樣的事情時,整個事情讓我的瀏覽器崩潰了...... –