2012-06-10 54 views


> summary(lm)$coef[,4] 
    (Intercept)   lun   d1un 
1.433706e-01 4.673723e-158 6.629044e-04 

我怎麼可以重寫科學記數法,並得到合理的精度?我試過選項(scipen = 1000),但它顯示無窮的數字行,不知何故options(digits = 7)在這裏不起作用。



你能給出預期的輸出嗎?你的意思是把'lun'的coef打印爲'0.000000'? –


是的,除非明確指定其他精度,我想有0.000000。 –



我不認爲這將成爲可能,在整個R. ?options顯示效果一般說,這大概數字:

‘digits’: controls the number of digits to print when printing 
     numeric values. It is a suggestion only. Valid values are 
     1...22 with default 7. See the note in ‘print.default’ about 
     values greater than 15. 


接下來,請注意,所打印的內容首先受應用的print()方法的管理(這在交互式使用期間被隱藏,因爲R auto-print() s)。有關詳細信息,請參閱?print?print.default以瞭解基本方法。從?print.default我們注意到

digits: a non-null value for ‘digits’ specifies the minimum number of 
     significant digits to be printed in values. The default, 
     ‘NULL’, uses ‘getOption(digits)’. (For the interpretation 
     for complex numbers see ‘signif’.) Non-integer values will 
     be rounded down, and only values greater than or equal to 1 
     and no greater than 22 are accepted. 


The same number of decimal places is used throughout a vector. 
    This means that ‘digits’ specifies the minimum number of 
    significant digits to be used, and that at least one entry will be 
    encoded with that minimum number. However, if all the encoded 
    elements then have trailing zeroes, the number of decimal places 
    is reduced until at least one element has a non-zero final digit. 
    Decimal points are only included if at least one decimal place is 




好的,謝謝。我想我會保持原樣。 –