我有一個類層次結構,低於顯示:類對象比較 - 獲取錯誤輸出equals方法
public class Rectangle2
// instance variables
private int length;
private int width;
* Constructor for objects of class rectangle
public Rectangle2(int l, int w)
// initialise instance variables
length = l;
width = w;
// return the height
public int getLength()
return length;
public int getWidth()
return width;
public String toString()
return "Rectangle - " + length + " X " + width;
public boolean equals(Object b)
if (! (b instanceof Rectangle2))
return false;
Box2 t = (Box2)b;
Cube c = (Cube)b;
return t.getLength() == getLength()
&& t.getWidth() == getWidth()
&& c.getLength() == getLength()
&& c.getWidth() == getWidth() ;
public class Box2 extends Rectangle2
// instance variables
private int height;
* Constructor for objects of class box
public Box2(int l, int w, int h)
// call superclass
super(l, w);
// initialise instance variables
height = h;
// return the height
public int getHeight()
return height;
public String toString()
return "Box - " + getLength() + " X " + getWidth() + " X " + height;
public boolean equals(Object b)
if (! (b instanceof Box2))
return false;
Rectangle2 t = (Rectangle2)b;
Cube c = (Cube)b;
return t.getLength() == getLength()
&& t.getWidth() == getWidth()
&& c.getLength() == getLength() ;
public class Cube extends Box2 {
public Cube(int length)
super(length, length, length);
public String toString()
return "Cube - " + getLength() + " X " + getWidth() + " X " + getHeight();
public boolean equals(Object b)
if (! (b instanceof Cube))
return false;
Rectangle2 t = (Rectangle2)b;
Box2 c = (Box2)b;
return t.getLength() == getLength()
&& t.getWidth() == getWidth()
&& c.getLength() == getLength()
&& c.getWidth() == getWidth()
&& c.getHeight() == getHeight() ;
方法,這樣,當一個類的實例會等於其他它會打印一些類似「這一類的尺寸等於該類的尺寸。」這將是一個例子:http://i.stack.imgur.com/Kyyau.png 唯一的問題是我沒有得到那個輸出。當我正在爲Cube類執行equals()
我不明白。當你在所有的代碼中沒有一個'print' /'println'時,你希望你的程序能夠打印'...與......相同的大小? – us2012 2013-03-20 18:57:40
你爲什麼要投射一個Rectangle2到它的sublcass實例?誰這樣做,爲什麼? – ITroubs 2013-03-20 18:58:39
@ us2012我試圖把一個println放在equals類中,但它不會讓我。 – user2059140 2013-03-20 19:00:04