2016-03-12 21 views

我實施的改型2接口解析JSON元素(視頻的URL,縮略圖,標題等)Retrofit 2(在Android中)實現後,我的JSON元素在哪裏?

JSONschema2Pojo導致4個POJO類,但主要的/根之一是VideoInfo(從未頭腦實現Parcelable,我我還沒有做任何事情) 缺少@SerializedName("....")影響任何東西,知道這是由jsonschema2pojo自動生成的?更新:生成新的Pojo類,這次與Gson註釋(@SerializedName("") and @Expose)但仍然有相同的問題。

import android.os.Parcel; 
import android.os.Parcelable; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 

public class VideoInfo implements Parcelable { 

    private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>(); 
    private int pageNumber; 
    private int pageSize; 
    private int totalCount; 

    * No args constructor for use in serialization 
    public VideoInfo() { 

    * @param totalCount 
    * @param items 
    * @param pageSize 
    * @param pageNumber 
    public VideoInfo(List<Item> items, int pageNumber, int pageSize, int totalCount) { 
     this.items = items; 
     this.pageNumber = pageNumber; 
     this.pageSize = pageSize; 
     this.totalCount = totalCount; 

    * @return 
    *  The items 
    public List<Item> getItems() { 
     return items; 

    * @param items 
    *  The items 
    public void setItems(List<Item> items) { 
     this.items = items; 

    * @return 
    *  The pageNumber 
    public int getPageNumber() { 
     return pageNumber; 

    * @param pageNumber 
    *  The page_number 
    public void setPageNumber(int pageNumber) { 
     this.pageNumber = pageNumber; 

    * @return 
    *  The pageSize 
    public int getPageSize() { 
     return pageSize; 

    * @param pageSize 
    *  The page_size 
    public void setPageSize(int pageSize) { 
     this.pageSize = pageSize; 

    * @return 
    *  The totalCount 
    public int getTotalCount() { 
     return totalCount; 

    * @param totalCount 
    *  The total_count 
    public void setTotalCount(int totalCount) { 
     this.totalCount = totalCount; 

    public int describeContents() { 
     return 0; 

    public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { 



UPDATE:在類VideoInfo上面可以看到private List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();這是因爲有這麼具有TIEMS列表另一個POJO類,如下所示:

import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 

public class Item { 

    private int id; 
    private String name; 
    private String shortDescription; 
    private String creationDate; 
    private String publishedDate; 
    private String linkURL; 
    private String linkText; 
    private List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>(); 
    private String videoStillURL; 
    private String thumbnailURL; 
    private int length; 
    private List<Rendition> renditions = new ArrayList<Rendition>(); 
    private List<IOSRendition> IOSRenditions = new ArrayList<IOSRendition>(); 
    private List<Object> HDSRenditions = new ArrayList<Object>(); 

    * No args constructor for use in serialization 
    public Item() { 

    * @param tags 
    * @param videoStillURL 
    * @param HDSRenditions 
    * @param id 
    * @param creationDate 
    * @param IOSRenditions 
    * @param linkText 
    * @param shortDescription 
    * @param renditions 
    * @param name 
    * @param linkURL 
    * @param length 
    * @param publishedDate 
    * @param thumbnailURL 
    public Item(int id, String name, String shortDescription, String creationDate, String publishedDate, String linkURL, String linkText, List<String> tags, String videoStillURL, String thumbnailURL, int length, List<Rendition> renditions, List<IOSRendition> IOSRenditions, List<Object> HDSRenditions) { 
     this.id = id; 
     this.name = name; 
     this.shortDescription = shortDescription; 
     this.creationDate = creationDate; 
     this.publishedDate = publishedDate; 
     this.linkURL = linkURL; 
     this.linkText = linkText; 
     this.tags = tags; 
     this.videoStillURL = videoStillURL; 
     this.thumbnailURL = thumbnailURL; 
     this.length = length; 
     this.renditions = renditions; 
     this.IOSRenditions = IOSRenditions; 
     this.HDSRenditions = HDSRenditions; 

    * @return 
    *  The id 
    public int getId() { 
     return id; 

    * @param id 
    *  The id 
    public void setId(int id) { 
     this.id = id; 

    * @return 
    *  The name 
    public String getName() { 
     return name; 

    * @param name 
    *  The name 
    public void setName(String name) { 
     this.name = name; 

    * @return 
    *  The shortDescription 
    public String getShortDescription() { 
     return shortDescription; 

    * @param shortDescription 
    *  The shortDescription 
    public void setShortDescription(String shortDescription) { 
     this.shortDescription = shortDescription; 

    * @return 
    *  The creationDate 
    public String getCreationDate() { 
     return creationDate; 

    * @param creationDate 
    *  The creationDate 
    public void setCreationDate(String creationDate) { 
     this.creationDate = creationDate; 

    * @return 
    *  The publishedDate 
    public String getPublishedDate() { 
     return publishedDate; 

    * @param publishedDate 
    *  The publishedDate 
    public void setPublishedDate(String publishedDate) { 
     this.publishedDate = publishedDate; 

    * @return 
    *  The linkURL 
    public String getLinkURL() { 
     return linkURL; 

    * @param linkURL 
    *  The linkURL 
    public void setLinkURL(String linkURL) { 
     this.linkURL = linkURL; 

    * @return 
    *  The linkText 
    public String getLinkText() { 
     return linkText; 

    * @param linkText 
    *  The linkText 
    public void setLinkText(String linkText) { 
     this.linkText = linkText; 

    * @return 
    *  The tags 
    public List<String> getTags() { 
     return tags; 

    * @param tags 
    *  The tags 
    public void setTags(List<String> tags) { 
     this.tags = tags; 

    * @return 
    *  The videoStillURL 
    public String getVideoStillURL() { 
     return videoStillURL; 

    * @param videoStillURL 
    *  The videoStillURL 
    public void setVideoStillURL(String videoStillURL) { 
     this.videoStillURL = videoStillURL; 

    * @return 
    *  The thumbnailURL 
    public String getThumbnailURL() { 
     return thumbnailURL; 

    * @param thumbnailURL 
    *  The thumbnailURL 
    public void setThumbnailURL(String thumbnailURL) { 
     this.thumbnailURL = thumbnailURL; 

    * @return 
    *  The length 
    public int getLength() { 
     return length; 

    * @param length 
    *  The length 
    public void setLength(int length) { 
     this.length = length; 

    * @return 
    *  The renditions 
    public List<Rendition> getRenditions() { 
     return renditions; 

    * @param renditions 
    *  The renditions 
    public void setRenditions(List<Rendition> renditions) { 
     this.renditions = renditions; 

    * @return 
    *  The IOSRenditions 
    public List<IOSRendition> getIOSRenditions() { 
     return IOSRenditions; 

    * @param IOSRenditions 
    *  The IOSRenditions 
    public void setIOSRenditions(List<IOSRendition> IOSRenditions) { 
     this.IOSRenditions = IOSRenditions; 

    * @return 
    *  The HDSRenditions 
    public List<Object> getHDSRenditions() { 
     return HDSRenditions; 

    * @param HDSRenditions 
    *  The HDSRenditions 
    public void setHDSRenditions(List<Object> HDSRenditions) { 
     this.HDSRenditions = HDSRenditions; 


UPDATE:所以以上你可以看到我們已經定義了private List<Rendition> renditions = new ArrayList<Rendition>();,它是在另一個pojo類中定義的Rendition.class:

import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose; 
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName; 

public class Rendition { 

    private boolean audioOnly; 
    private String controllerType; 
    private String displayName; 
    private int encodingRate; 
    private int frameHeight; 
    private int frameWidth; 
    private int id; 
    private Object referenceId; 
    private Object remoteStreamName; 
    private Object remoteUrl; 
    private int size; 
    private int uploadTimestampMillis; 
    private String url; 
    private String videoCodec; 
    private String videoContainer; 
    private int videoDuration; 

    * No args constructor for use in serialization 
    public Rendition() { 

    * @param controllerType 
    * @param encodingRate 
    * @param referenceId 
    * @param url 
    * @param size 
    * @param id 
    * @param uploadTimestampMillis 
    * @param frameWidth 
    * @param remoteUrl 
    * @param videoContainer 
    * @param remoteStreamName 
    * @param displayName 
    * @param videoCodec 
    * @param videoDuration 
    * @param audioOnly 
    * @param frameHeight 
    public Rendition(boolean audioOnly, String controllerType, String displayName, int encodingRate, int frameHeight, int frameWidth, int id, Object referenceId, Object remoteStreamName, Object remoteUrl, int size, int uploadTimestampMillis, String url, String videoCodec, String videoContainer, int videoDuration) { 
     this.audioOnly = audioOnly; 
     this.controllerType = controllerType; 
     this.displayName = displayName; 
     this.encodingRate = encodingRate; 
     this.frameHeight = frameHeight; 
     this.frameWidth = frameWidth; 
     this.id = id; 
     this.referenceId = referenceId; 
     this.remoteStreamName = remoteStreamName; 
     this.remoteUrl = remoteUrl; 
     this.size = size; 
     this.uploadTimestampMillis = uploadTimestampMillis; 
     this.url = url; 
     this.videoCodec = videoCodec; 
     this.videoContainer = videoContainer; 
     this.videoDuration = videoDuration; 

    * @return 
    *  The audioOnly 
    public boolean isAudioOnly() { 
     return audioOnly; 

    * @param audioOnly 
    *  The audioOnly 
    public void setAudioOnly(boolean audioOnly) { 
     this.audioOnly = audioOnly; 

    * @return 
    *  The controllerType 
    public String getControllerType() { 
     return controllerType; 

    * @param controllerType 
    *  The controllerType 
    public void setControllerType(String controllerType) { 
     this.controllerType = controllerType; 

    * @return 
    *  The displayName 
    public String getDisplayName() { 
     return displayName; 

    * @param displayName 
    *  The displayName 
    public void setDisplayName(String displayName) { 
     this.displayName = displayName; 

    * @return 
    *  The encodingRate 
    public int getEncodingRate() { 
     return encodingRate; 

    * @param encodingRate 
    *  The encodingRate 
    public void setEncodingRate(int encodingRate) { 
     this.encodingRate = encodingRate; 

    * @return 
    *  The frameHeight 
    public int getFrameHeight() { 
     return frameHeight; 

    * @param frameHeight 
    *  The frameHeight 
    public void setFrameHeight(int frameHeight) { 
     this.frameHeight = frameHeight; 

    * @return 
    *  The frameWidth 
    public int getFrameWidth() { 
     return frameWidth; 

    * @param frameWidth 
    *  The frameWidth 
    public void setFrameWidth(int frameWidth) { 
     this.frameWidth = frameWidth; 

    * @return 
    *  The id 
    public int getId() { 
     return id; 

    * @param id 
    *  The id 
    public void setId(int id) { 
     this.id = id; 

    * @return 
    *  The referenceId 
    public Object getReferenceId() { 
     return referenceId; 

    * @param referenceId 
    *  The referenceId 
    public void setReferenceId(Object referenceId) { 
     this.referenceId = referenceId; 

    * @return 
    *  The remoteStreamName 
    public Object getRemoteStreamName() { 
     return remoteStreamName; 

    * @param remoteStreamName 
    *  The remoteStreamName 
    public void setRemoteStreamName(Object remoteStreamName) { 
     this.remoteStreamName = remoteStreamName; 

    * @return 
    *  The remoteUrl 
    public Object getRemoteUrl() { 
     return remoteUrl; 

    * @param remoteUrl 
    *  The remoteUrl 
    public void setRemoteUrl(Object remoteUrl) { 
     this.remoteUrl = remoteUrl; 

    * @return 
    *  The size 
    public int getSize() { 
     return size; 

    * @param size 
    *  The size 
    public void setSize(int size) { 
     this.size = size; 

    * @return 
    *  The uploadTimestampMillis 
    public int getUploadTimestampMillis() { 
     return uploadTimestampMillis; 

    * @param uploadTimestampMillis 
    *  The uploadTimestampMillis 
    public void setUploadTimestampMillis(int uploadTimestampMillis) { 
     this.uploadTimestampMillis = uploadTimestampMillis; 

    * @return 
    *  The url 
    public String getUrl() { 
     return url; 

    * @param url 
    *  The url 
    public void setUrl(String url) { 
     this.url = url; 

    * @return 
    *  The videoCodec 
    public String getVideoCodec() { 
     return videoCodec; 

    * @param videoCodec 
    *  The videoCodec 
    public void setVideoCodec(String videoCodec) { 
     this.videoCodec = videoCodec; 

    * @return 
    *  The videoContainer 
    public String getVideoContainer() { 
     return videoContainer; 

    * @param videoContainer 
    *  The videoContainer 
    public void setVideoContainer(String videoContainer) { 
     this.videoContainer = videoContainer; 

    * @return 
    *  The videoDuration 
    public int getVideoDuration() { 
     return videoDuration; 

    * @param videoDuration 
    *  The videoDuration 
    public void setVideoDuration(int videoDuration) { 
     this.videoDuration = videoDuration; 



import retrofit2.Call; import retrofit2.http.GET;

* retrofit 2 interface 
public interface VideoInterface { 
    String apiURL = "....."; 

    public Call<VideosResponse> listVideos(); 


import com.google.gson.Gson; 
import com.google.gson.GsonBuilder; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 

public class VideosResponse { 
//initalizing the collection 
     List<VideoInfo> videos; 

     public VideosResponse() { 
      videos = new ArrayList<VideoInfo>(); 
//parsing the response 
    public static VideosResponse parseJSON(String response) { 
     Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); 
     VideosResponse videosResponse = gson.fromJson(response, VideosResponse.class); 

     return videosResponse; 

修訂:最後我打電話的API,但沒有能夠得到各個元素 我知道我應該能夠做到像response.body().getItem().getID().getRendition().getUrl()例如,但我沒有看到它在自動完成,如果我寫它,我會得到錯誤。 此代碼是我onResume()方法,就是我註釋掉public static下面是因爲它不是onResume()

 // Creating a simple REST adapter which points the API 

//  public static 
     final String BASE_URL = "http://api......"; 
     Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder() 

     // Creating an instance of our API interface. 

     VideoInterface service = retrofit.create(VideoInterface.class); 

     Call<VideosResponse> call = service.listVideos(); 
     call.enqueue(new Callback<VideosResponse>() { 
      public void onResponse(Call<VideosResponse> call, Response<VideosResponse> response) { 
       VideosResponse videoResponse = response.body(); 


      public void onFailure(Call<VideosResponse> call, Throwable t) { 



 Log.d("Videos ", response.message()); //OK 
     Log.d("Videos ", String.valueOf(response.isSuccess())); //TRUE 
     Log.d("Videos ", String.valueOf(response.code())); //200 

但我仍然無法獲得我需要的字符串。當我打印響應的日誌顯示響應VideosResponse videoResponse = response.body();我得到:VideosResponse @ 3b8bfaa4,這是正常的嗎?我怎麼用這個? 是否使用parcelable建議?它會改變什麼嗎?


你沒有在任何地方使用這個'VideosResponse videoResponse = response.body();'? –


只是爲了記錄,不做任何事情 – ninjayoto


那麼你是如何讀取響應? –






爲(VideoInfo videoInfo:videoResponses)返回列表的單個對象 Log.d(LOG_TAG,「VideoInfo: 「+ videoInfo.toString());


如果我想返回多個元素,創建toString()方法會非常棘手,我正在尋找一個更好的實踐解決方案,特別是我正在使用Retrofit,這是一個很棒的工具。但感謝您的幫助。 – ninjayoto


@ user3549911如果你永遠不會實現toString(),那麼你不能簡單地從對象打印。AS有一個auto函數可以爲你生成toString。 alt + insert,control + enter(mac) – k0sh


對於每個不超過默認toString()方法的對象都是如此。但請注意,我正在使用Retrofit,它負責API調用和解析,所以通常我可以從Retrofit返回的響應對象中通過類似'response.body()。getID()。getTitle ()'。我的問題是寫,這在我的情況下不起作用。 – ninjayoto




  • response這裏似乎是Response<VideosResponse> response
  • response.body()因此將是一個VideosResponse
  • response.body().item會失敗,因爲VideosResponse不具有item

當我打印日誌爲響應顯示響應VideosResponse videoResponse = response.body();我得到:VideosResponse @ 3b8bfaa4,這是正常的嗎?



那麼你知道VideosResponse沒有名爲item什麼。 Gson不會將方法添加到您的類中;它僅基於解析某些JSON來填充這些類的實例。



感謝您的回答,我更新了**粗體**的問題,添加了2個其他pojo類('Item'&'Rendition')。並且更新了我想要獲取的JSON元素'response.body()。getItem()。getID()。getRendition()。getUrl()',(來自VideoInfo對象的項目 - > ID項目對象列表 - > ID項目的URL和項目的URL),因爲我的最終目標是獲取要播放的視頻URL的列表。儘管我在自動完成中看不到這些方法。我錯過了什麼? – ninjayoto


@ user3549911:'VideosResponse'沒有'getItem()'方法。 – CommonsWare


我應該把'getItem()'方法從pojo' Item'移動到'VideoResponse'嗎?對於這個問題所有其他JSON元素的獲取者?我的想法是在Retrofit中'VideoResponse'知道'VideoInfo' pojo,它瞭解了知道'Rendition'列表的'Item'對象列表,它獲取視頻的URL – ninjayoto
