2012-12-20 69 views




// Set up jqlQueryParser object 
jqlQueryParser = ComponentManager.getComponentInstanceOfType(JqlQueryParser.class) as JqlQueryParser 
// Form the JQL query 
query = jqlQueryParser.parseQuery('<my_jql_query>') 
// Set up SearchService object used to query Jira 
searchService = componentManager.getSearchService() 
// Run the query to get all issues with Article number that match input 
results = searchService.search(componentManager.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getUser(), query, PagerFilter.getUnlimitedFilter()) 
// Throw a FATAL level log statement because we should never have more than one case associated with a given KB article 
if (results.getIssues().size() > 1) { 
    for (r in results.getIssues()) { 
     log.fatal('Custom field has more than one Jira ssue associated with it. ' + r.getKey() + ' is one of the offending issues') 
    return "?????" 

// Create link from new Improvement to parent issue 
for (r in results) { 
    IssueLinkManager.createIssueLink(issue.getId(), r.getId(), 10201, 1, getJiraAuthenticationContext().getUser()) 
