TxtFile True, FileDir, 1, "Hello"
TxtFile(WritetoFile As Boolean, FileDir As String, line As Variant, What As String)
陳述來測試真或假。當我運行我的功能手錶告訴我,WritetoFile As Boolean
Option Compare Database
Public ReadOptionsOutput As String
Public FSO As New FileSystemObject
Public TxtFileOutPut As String
Public Function TxtFile(WritetoFile As Boolean, FileDir As String, line As Variant, What As String)
Dim FileContent() As Variant
Dim Idx As Integer
Dim Txtstream As Object
If WritetoFile = True Then
Set Txtstream = FSO.OpenTextFile(FileDir, ForReading, False)
Idx = 0
On Error GoTo Err1 'To catch the last blank line. Dont see another way to see if .ReadLine is blank
Do 'Build an array to edit lines in Text file
Idx = Idx + 1
ReDim Preserve FileContent(1 To Idx)
FileContent(Idx) = Txtstream.ReadLine
Open FileDir For Output As #1: Close #1 'Delet all text inside of File
Set Txtstream = Nothing
Set Txtstream = FSO.OpenTextFile(FileDir, ForAppending, False)
FileContent(line) = What 'Edit line in the array
For Idx = 1 To Idx - 1
Txtstream.WriteLine (FileContent(Idx)) 'Write everything back to textfile
ElseIf WritetoFile = False Then 'Reads Line in file only
Set Txtstream = FSO.OpenTextFile(FileDir, ForReading, False)
NextLine = 1
Do 'Loop thru to selected line and read it
TxtLine = Txtstream.ReadLine
If NextLine = line Then
TxtFileOutPut = TxtLine
End If
NextLine = NextLine + 1
Loop Until NextLine > line
End If
End Function
你能提供整個代碼嗎?哪個應用程序(Excel,Access)? – Wernerson
@Wernerson編輯完整功能和VBA訪問標籤。如果你想看到其他人,請告訴我。 – Quint
你究竟是什麼意思,「當我運行我的功能時,Watch告訴我WritetoFile As Boolean is false」。當我查看手錶時(查看 - >手錶),它告訴我WritetoFile是真的... – Wernerson