Safari瀏覽器有沒有在Safari 3.2.3(525.29)或者其他的jQuery AJAX $.post()
的Safari或者更多信息或有關從primefaces jQuery庫的問題?
// 1. I imported a base64.js that has this structure: (This .js is obfuscated for security)
// methods situated at base64.js
var key = "b3NjYXJqY";
function base64key(){
this.key = function(){
return key;
function decrypt(val){
//method that just plays with the string passed in the parameter (val)
return decryptedString;
/* 2. Data returned in the callback is an encrypted json from java servlet. */
// value from my input
var identifier = $('#txtid').val();
$.post('MyServlet', {identifier : identifier} , function(data) {
// MyServlet returns 0 if no data, else returns an encrypted json as base64 generated with a key.
if (data != 0) {
// base64key() is a method from base64.js that just return a key (like b3NjYXJqY)
var b = new base64key();
// variable that contains encrypted json as string
var temp = data.replace(b.key().substring(5), '');
// decrypt the json (temp variable)
var json = decrypt(temp).replace(b.key(), '');
// parse the json string
var info = JSON.parse(json);
// fill the inputs with data
/* 3. Just to have an idea of the "data" structure, this is the decrypted json. */
{"name": "Oscar Jara", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "+45 88779900"}
請出示一個例子。 – powtac 2012-02-11 00:47:42
您可以發佈運行'$ .post()'調用的JavaScript代碼,包括捕獲用戶在輸入中輸入的代碼嗎? – Jasper 2012-02-11 00:56:00
好吧,我更新了一切,請檢查。 – 2012-02-11 03:20:08