我在學習如何使用Realm Swift和Charts,這樣我最終可以在我正在構建的應用程序中使用它們,並且我正在搞定一段時間領域。最終,我計劃讓Charts查看我的Realm DB,然後根據數據顯示圖表,但在此之前,我需要檢查是否存在領域對象(如果不存在),以創建然後當用戶使用該應用程序時,將「計數」添加到該記錄並相應地更新圖表。如何更新realm中的對象swift
class WorkoutsCount: Object{
dynamic var date: Date = Date()
dynamic var count: Int = Int(0)
// function to check if this weeks days have been created in Realm DB yet and creates them if not
let realm = try! Realm()
lazy var workouts: Results<WorkoutsCount> = { self.realm.objects(WorkoutsCount.self)}()
let startOfWeekDate = Date().startOfWeek(weekday: 1)
let nextDay = 24 * 60 * 60
// checks the DB to see if it contains the start of this week
func searchForDB(findDate: Date) -> WorkoutsCount?{
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "date = %@", findDate as CVarArg)
let dateObject = self.realm.objects(WorkoutsCount.self).filter(predicate).first
if dateObject?.date == findDate{
return dateObject
return nil
func setThisWeeksDays(){
//if the beginning of this week doesn't exist in the DB then create each day with 0's as the count data
if searchForDB(findDate: startOfWeekDate) == nil{
try! realm.write() {
let defaultWorkoutDates = [startOfWeekDate, startOfWeekDate + TimeInterval(nextDay), startOfWeekDate + TimeInterval(nextDay*2), startOfWeekDate + TimeInterval(nextDay*3), startOfWeekDate + TimeInterval(nextDay*4), startOfWeekDate + TimeInterval(nextDay*5), startOfWeekDate + TimeInterval(nextDay*6)]
for workouts in defaultWorkoutDates {
let newWorkoutDate = WorkoutsCount()
newWorkoutDate.date = workouts
workouts = realm.objects(WorkoutsCount.self)
@IBAction func btnUpdate1MW(_ sender: Any) {
if searchForDB(findDate: today) != nil{
if plusOne <= 7{
plusOne += 1
CounterImage1MW.image = UIImage(named: "1MWs-done-\(plusOne)")
let realm:Realm = try! Realm()
// deletes the original item prior to being updated and added back below
let removeTodaysItem = today
let workout = realm.objects(WorkoutsCount.self).filter("date = '\(removeTodaysItem)'")
if workout.count > 0{
for date in workout{
try! realm.write {
// adds back the item with an updated count
do {
let realm = try Realm()
try realm.write {
realm.create(WorkoutsCount.self, value: ["date": today, "count": plusOne], update: false)
} catch let error as NSError {
print("add to 1MW + 1")
終止應用程序由於未捕獲的異常「值無效',原因:類型爲'WorkoutsCount'的對象的類型日期屬性'date'的預期對象,但收到:2017-04-24 07:00:00 +0000'
爲什麼你不使用主鍵?當您想要更新現有對象時,它就是爲這些場景設計的。使用它比刪除和重新創建對象更方便,同時它也是一個更優化的解決方案。 –
因爲當返回並添加一個主鍵時,它打破了我已經有的工作,在第一組代碼中的「let realm = try!Realm()」行出錯,我無法弄清楚解決這個問題。由於我花了一天時間才完成這項工作,感覺我正在退步。 – jammyman34
您是否向您的AppDelegate applicationDidFinishLaunching方法添加了遷移塊? 如果不是這樣,那就是您出現錯誤的原因,每次更改Realm模型時都會得到相同的錯誤。 –