2016-04-27 27 views

我正在爲我的項目工作創建電子商務網站。在我從this tutorial創建一個application.cfm頁面,使用代碼:如何僅爲會員區域創建登錄

<!--- Create the application ---> 
     <cfapplication name="MyApp" 
      applicationtimeout="#CreateTimeSpan(0,0,0,10)#" /> 

     <!--- Now define that this user is logged out by default ---> 
     <CFPARAM NAME="session.allowin" DEFAULT="false" /> 

     <!--- Now define this user id to zero by default, this will be used later on to access specific information about this user. ---> 
     <CFPARAM NAME="session.user_id" DEFAULT="0" /> 

     <!--- Now if the variable "session.allowin" does not equal true, send user to the login page ---> 
     <!--- the other thing you must check for is if the page calling this application.cfm is the "login.cfm" page and the "Login_process.cfm" page since the Application.cfm is always called, if this is not checked the application will simply Loop over and over. To check that, you do the following call ---> 

     <cfif session.allowin neq "true"> 
      <cfif ListLast(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME, "/") EQ "loginn.cfm"> 
      <cfelseif ListLast(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME, "/") EQ "login_process.cfm"> 
       <!--- this user is not logged in, alert user and redirect to the login.cfm page ---> 
        alert("You must login to access this area!"); 


<!--- Get all records from the database that match this users credentials ---> 
    <cfquery name="qVerify" datasource="cfdb2"> 
     SELECT User_name, User_pass 
     FROM uid_pass 
     WHERE User_name = '#name#' 
    and User_pass='#pass#' 

    <cfif qVerify.RecordCount> 
     <!--- This user has logged in correctly, change the value of the session.allowin value ---> 
      <cfset session.allowin = "True" /> 

     <cfset session.User_name = qVerify.User_name /> 

     <!--- Now welcome user and redirect to "<strong>members_only.cfm</strong>" ---> 
      alert("Welcome user, you have been successfully logged in!"); 
    < cfelse> 
     <!--- this user did not log in correctly, alert and redirect to the login page ---> 
      alert("Your credentials could not be verified, please try again!!!"); 



停止使用Application.cfm,開始使用Application.cfc。 –




<cfif session.allowin neq "true"> 
    <!--- check if this is a page that doesn't require authentication ---> 
    <cfset currentScript = ListLast(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME, "/")> 
    <cfif listFindNoCase("login.cfm,registration.cfm,login_process.cfm", currentScript) eq 0> 
     <!--- redirect to login.cfm page ---> 
     <cflocation addtoken="false" href="login.cfm"> 

我注意到你正在使用Application.cfm,真的是你應該使用的Application.cfc 。然後您可以進入應用程序生命週期。您的安全檢查,可以在onRequestStart方法,你可以設置在onSessionStart方法等會議


<cfquery name="qVerify" datasource="cfdb2"> 
    SELECT User_name, User_pass 
    FROM uid_pass 
    WHERE User_name = <cfqueryparam value="#name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"> 
     and User_pass = <cfqueryparam value="#pass#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"> 

我也建議您在存儲密碼讀了起來,從你的代碼,它看起來像你存儲在純文本數據庫的密碼 - 這是不好的。你想看看使用單向密碼加密。