如果不瞭解更多關於VBA功能的知識,很難提供更多建議。 另外你的例子提供了兩列。是否需要對兩列進行比較,還是隻需要比較一列?我已經假設(最壞的情況)。
Option Explicit
Dim s1 As Worksheet
Dim s2 As Worksheet
Dim sOutput As Worksheet
Dim NextOutputRow As Range
Sub CompareTwoTables(TableA As Range, TableB As Range, NameOfTableB As String, OutputIfRowsMatch As Boolean)
Dim TableArow As Long
Dim TableBrow As Long
Dim TableACell As Range
Dim TableBCell As Range
Dim FoundMatchingRow As Boolean
Dim ColumnDifferencesDetected As Boolean
TableA.Parent.Select ' useful for debugging - selects teh sheet
For TableArow = 1 To TableA.Rows.Count
FoundMatchingRow = False
For TableBrow = 1 To TableB.Rows.Count
ColumnDifferencesDetected = False
Set TableACell = TableA.Cells(TableArow, 1)
Set TableBCell = TableB.Cells(TableBrow, 1)
TableACell.Select ' useful for debugging
Debug.Print TableACell.Address, TableBCell.Address ' useful for debugging
If TableACell.Value = TableBCell.Value Then
If TableA.Cells(TableArow, 2) = TableB.Cells(TableBrow, 2) Then
FoundMatchingRow = True
ColumnDifferencesDetected = True
End If
End If
If FoundMatchingRow Or ColumnDifferencesDetected Then
Exit For ' TableBrow
End If
Next TableBrow
If FoundMatchingRow Then
If OutputIfRowsMatch Then
NextOutputRow.Cells(1, 1) = TableA.Cells(TableArow, 1)
NextOutputRow.Cells(1, 2) = TableA.Cells(TableArow, 2)
Set NextOutputRow = NextOutputRow.Offset(1, 0)
End If
ElseIf ColumnDifferencesDetected Then
NextOutputRow.Cells(1, 1) = TableA.Cells(TableArow, 1)
NextOutputRow.Cells(1, 2) = TableA.Cells(TableArow, 2)
NextOutputRow.Cells(1, 2) = "One only one column was the same"
Set NextOutputRow = NextOutputRow.Offset(1, 0)
NextOutputRow.Cells(1, 1) = TableA.Cells(TableArow, 1)
NextOutputRow.Cells(1, 2) = TableA.Cells(TableArow, 2)
NextOutputRow.Cells(1, 3) = "This value was expected but not present in " & NameOfTableB
Set NextOutputRow = NextOutputRow.Offset(1, 0)
End If
Next TableArow
End Sub
Sub main()
Dim Table1 As Range
Dim Table2 As Range
' Three sheets must exist
Set s1 = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set s2 = Worksheets("Sheet2")
Set sOutput = Worksheets("Sheet3")
Set Table1 = s1.Range("A2:B10") ' Allows for a title row and two columns
Set Table2 = s2.Range("A2:B10")
' Clear any previous output
Set NextOutputRow = sOutput.Range("2:2") ' Allows for a title row
CompareTwoTables TableA:=Table1, TableB:=Table2, NameOfTableB:="Table2", OutputIfRowsMatch:=True
CompareTwoTables TableA:=Table2, TableB:=Table1, NameOfTableB:="Table1", OutputIfRowsMatch:=False
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
你覺得我的回答有用嗎?如果你這樣做,請將其標記爲答案。 – HarveyFrench