2016-06-08 85 views


想問一下是否可以查詢一系列數據, ,採取下面的例子:

|StartTime |Qty | 
|10   |1  | 
|11   |3  | 
|12   |2  | 
|13   |1  | 
|11   |2  | 


|StartTime |TOTAL | 
|9   |NULL | 
|10   |1  | 
|11   |5  | 
|12   |2  | 



你有包含每個可用'StartTime'的表,或者只是假定/暗示,每個小時都存在?這個問題的答案將決定查詢結構以及結果查詢的簡單性或複雜性如何, – gmiley


@gmiley否,表中不包含每一個'StartTime'。 – J4X





    | StartTime | 
    | 9  | 
    | 10  | 
    | 11  | 
    | 12  | 
    | 13  | 
    | 14  | 

Select Sum(Qty) From TableTimes TT 
Left Join FirstTable FT on TT.StartTime=FT.StartTime 
Where TT.StartTime Between 9 and 12 
Group by TT.StartTime 

所以你建議我創建一個'TableTimes'列出所有可用的'StartTime'列? – J4X


是的,這是正確的。列出您希望在圖表中顯示的所有時間的新表格。 –



select h.Hour, Sum(i.Qty) as Qty 
from ItemsPerHour i 
right outer join (
    select 1 as Hour union all 
    select 2 union all 
    select 3 union all 
    select 4 union all 
    select 5 union all 
    select 6 union all 
    select 7 union all 
    select 8 union all 
    select 9 union all 
    select 10 union all 
    select 11 union all 
    select 12 union all 
    select 13 union all 
    select 14 union all 
    select 15 union all 
    select 16 union all 
    select 17 union all 
    select 18 union all 
    select 19 union all 
    select 20 union all 
    select 21 union all 
    select 24 
) h 
on h.Hour = i.StartTime 
order by h.Hour; 

使用WITHhours CTE:

with hours as 
    select 1 as Hour union all 
    select 2 union all 
    select 3 union all 
    select 4 union all 
    select 5 union all 
    select 6 union all 
    select 7 union all 
    select 8 union all 
    select 9 union all 
    select 10 union all 
    select 11 union all 
    select 12 union all 
    select 13 union all 
    select 14 union all 
    select 15 union all 
    select 16 union all 
    select 17 union all 
    select 18 union all 
    select 19 union all 
    select 20 union all 
    select 21 union all 
    select 24 
select h.Hour, Sum(i.Qty) as Qty 
from ItemsPerHour i 
right outer join hours h 
on h.Hour = i.StartTime 
order by h.Hour; 