2017-10-19 105 views


<!DOCTYPE html> 
\t <style type ="text/css"> \t <!-- You need this in order to have CSS, it has --> 
\t \t p {color: blue; font-family:arial;} 
\t </style> 

    <h1>Hello World!</h1> 
    <p>This is my first CSS example</p> 

     <li>This is</li> 
     <li>a list</li> 


<!DOCTYPE html> 
\t  <style type ="text/css"> \t 
\t \t  p {color: blue;} 
\t  </style> 
\t  <p style="text-decoration: underline;">This is my body green</p> 
\t  <p style = "color: blue;">this text should be blue!</p> 
     <h1>Hello World!</h1> 
     <p>This is my first CSS example</p> 

      <li>This is</li> 
      <li>a list</li> 

添加大演說塊等<meta charset="utf-8><link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">也毫無幫助。



@Kunok YUP是工作!評論如何/爲何影響代碼? –



在第一個例子中的註釋<!-- You need this in order to have CSS, it has -->被錯放到一個CSS聲明,所以不要把HTML註釋的CSS聲明。

聲明p {color: blue; font-family:arial;}隻影響到<P></P>標籤。

<!DOCTYPE html> 
\t <style type ="text/css"> \t 
\t \t p {color: blue; font-family:arial;} 
\t </style> 

    <h1>Hello World!</h1> 
    <p>This is my first CSS example</p> 

     <li>This is</li> 
     <li>a list</li> 

如果需要特定的格式添加到特定的標籤,你可以使用class屬性(class="blue"),並宣佈在CSS類的類名稱的開頭追加一個點( .blue)。

<!DOCTYPE html> 
\t  <style type ="text/css"> \t 
      p {color: blue;} 
      .underlined { text-decoration: underline } 
      .blue { color: blue } 
\t  </style> 
\t  <p class="underlined">This is my body green</p> 
\t  <p class="blue" >this text should be blue!</p> 
     <h1>Hello World!</h1> 
     <p>This is my first CSS example</p> 

      <li>This is</li> 
      <li>a list</li> 



<!DOCTYPE html> 
\t <style> 
\t \t p {color: blue; font-family:arial;} 
\t </style> 

    <h1>Hello World!</h1> 
    <p>This is my first CSS example</p> 

     <li>This is</li> 
     <li>a list</li> 


爲什麼downvote?我刪除了註釋以便它可以工作,並且也不需要定義樣式類型。 –


有人猜測,也許是因爲你的答案並沒有真正增加任何其他答案?或者,也許這只是一個戰術downvote? – Brian


我的評論是第一個,所以是其他人加入我的評論。 –