我在C語言中編寫了一個名爲AMESim的仿真軟件,我需要兩維數組管理的幫助。AMESim中malloc/free 2D數組的問題
)。我嘗試了函數的各種配置和調節分配/釋放的子函數,但是我被這個錯誤困住了。這種情況也會在更改編譯器時發生(我曾嘗試使用Intel和MS VisualC 32位)。
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ameutils.h" //it is a library of AMESim that has various I/O utilities
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <errno.h>
//various functions prototypes
void allocate_matrix(int ***table, int rows, int columns) ;
void free_matrix(int*** table, int rows);
void allocate_matrixd(double ***table, int rows, int columns) ;
void free_matrixd(double*** table, int rows);
//bla bla check of parameters and so on
//this is my main function
void barreldin27wpprova_(\*bla bla, there are a lot of parameters
for the calculation that I will skip */ ,
double *rp, //array with real parameters chosen by the user
int *ip, //array with integer parameters
double *c, //array with static double that are saved between calls of the function
int ic[6] //array with static int
int loop, i;
double *Xdib=NULL, *Xwib=NULL, *Xddb=NULL, *Xwdb=NULL;
double **MatH=NULL, **MatPdim=NULL, **Matx=NULL, **Maty=NULL, **DummyMat=NULL, **MatZp=NULL;
int **DummyMatInt=NULL, **Matrixt=NULL, **Matrixtn=NULL, **Matrixp=NULL, **Matrixpn=NULL;
double *VectR=NULL, *DummyL=NULL, *DummyM=NULL, *tetar=NULL, *tetag=NULL, *radim=NULL;
//these are all of my arrays
//allocation of dynamic blocks
//repeat for all int matrices
//repeat for all double matrices
//the program stops with an error from malloc during one of these allocations
VectR= malloc((L+Le) * sizeof(double));
if (VectR == NULL) {
amefprintf(stdout,"Error in allocation of VectR\n"); //amefprintf is internal
of AMESim, the same as fprintf
AmeExit(1); //exit function of AMESim
//repeated for all dynamic arrays, then initialized to 0.e0 with "for" cycles
//a lot of calculation and subfunctions, that are all disabled in this example; function outputs
are set to zero
//Deallocation of dynamic blocks
free_matrix(&DummyMatInt, (L+Le)); //repeated for all int matrices
free_matrixd(&Matx, (L+Le)); //repeated for all double matrices
free(VectR); VectR =NULL; //repeated for all arrays
void allocate_matrix(int ***table, int rows, int columns)
int i,j;
*table = malloc(rows * sizeof **table);
if (*table == NULL) {
amefprintf(stdout,"Error in memory allocation array of pointers\n");
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
(*table)[i] = malloc(columns * sizeof *(*table)[i]);
if ((*table)[i] == NULL) {
amefprintf(stdout,"Error in memory allocation row %d \n",i);
for (j=0; j < columns; j++) {
(*table)[i][j] = 0;
void free_matrix(int*** table, int rows)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++)
free ((*table)[i]);
(*table)[i] = NULL;
free (*table);
*table = NULL;
爲什麼你需要分開分配每行?這樣做可能不太理想,並增加內存碎片。內存碎片是malloc()無法返回更多內存的原因。 – ydroneaud
@ydroneaud我想你建議分配一些像'Matrix = malloc((L + Le)* M * sizeof(double)); '。但是,我必須用'Matrix [i * ncolumns + j]'調用矩陣的一個元素,這是非常容易出錯的,並且與所有其他代碼的邏輯相反。而且,即使這只是一種感覺,我認爲這不是錯誤的原因。 – crisdarca
當malloc()返回NULL時,您的系統無法爲您的程序提供更多內存。要麼你有碎片問題或內存泄漏。嘗試使用'valgrind'(使用選項'--track-origins = yes') – ydroneaud