2015-05-30 47 views


if (guess1 == Secret_code[0]) { 
    System.out.println(" You have guessed one correctly in the right spot!"); 

if (guess2 == Secret_code[1]) { 
    System.out.println(" You have guessed one correctly in the right spot!"); 

if (guess3 == Secret_code[2]) { 
    System.out.println(" You have guessed one correctly in the right spot!"); 

if (guess4 == Secret_code[3]) { 
    System.out.println(" You have guessed one correctly in the right spot!"); 

do { 
    System.out.println("What is the number one peg in my code???"); 
    guess1 = Guess.nextInt(); 
    System.out.println("What is the number two peg in my code???"); 
    guess2 = Guess.nextInt(); 
    System.out.println("What is the number three peg in my code???"); 
    guess3 = Guess.nextInt(); 
    System.out.println("What is the number four peg in my code???"); 
    guess4 = Guess.nextInt(); 
    if (guess1 == Secret_code[0]) { 
     System.out.println(" You have guessed one correctly in the right spot!"); 
    if (guess2 == Secret_code[1]) { 
     System.out.println(" You have guessed one correctly in the right spot!"); 
    if (guess3 == Secret_code[2]) { 
     System.out.println(" You have guessed one correctly in the right spot!"); 
    if (guess4 == Secret_code[3]) { 
     System.out.println(" You have guessed one correctly in the right spot!"); 
while ((guess1 != Secret_code[0]) & (guess2 != Secret_code[1]) & (guess3 != Secret_code[2]) & (guess4 != Secret_code[3]));  

public static void CorrectGuess(int[] Secret_code) { 
    int Correctspot; 

    for (Secret_code[0] = 0; Secret_code[0] < 3; Secret_code[0]++) 
     Correctspot = +1; 

有什麼問題? –


沒有問題....只需要添加for循環,可以計算正確的猜測數 – Sot


本網站不適用於代碼請求。當你遇到問題時,你會來到這裏,通常會展示你對這個主題的嘗試或任何研究。如果你不瞭解情況,請告訴你的老師,因爲他們是那些得到報酬以確保你知道這些東西的人,如果他們不知道你是否有什麼東西,就不能正確教導你不明白 –




//make a Scanner obj 
Int[] guessArray = {10, 20, 30, 5};  
int useranswer = 0; 
int loopCount = 0; 

while(loopCount < 4) { 
    System.out.println("blalalala for Guess #" + (loopCount+1)); 
    useranswer = input.nextInt(); 

    if(useranswer == guessArray[loopCount]) { 
    }//end of if 

}//end of while loop 


