只是或否就足夠了。 是這個 -關於if語句快速一個
if(condition1) {
if (condition2) {
同這個 -
if(condition1 && condition2) {
只是或否就足夠了。 是這個 -關於if語句快速一個
if(condition1) {
if (condition2) {
同這個 -
if(condition1 && condition2) {
僅當兩個條件都爲真時,纔會輸入第一個示例中的inner if塊和第二個示例中的if塊。
if(condition1) {
// here you can add logic that will be executed when condition1 is true,
// regardless of condition2
if (condition2) {
} else {
// here you can add logic that will be executed when condition1 is true,
// but condition2 is false
// here you can add logic that will be executed when condition1 is true,
// regardless of condition2
if(condition1) {
//If condition1 is true (irrespective of state of condition 2), I can still do this
System.out.println("In here..");
if (condition2) {
// I can do this only if condition2 is true.
//If condition1 is true (irrespective of state of condition 2), I can still do this
System.out.println("and here..");
if(condition1 && condition2) { // if one among condtion1 or condtion2 is false, then the if block will not be entered.
爲什麼不調試它? –
是的!邏輯保持不變 –
兩者都會給你相同的結果 –