2016-11-17 131 views



Tom Bombadil__________6.5 5.5 4.5 
Dain IJzervoet________6.7 7.2 7.7 
Thorin Eikenschild____6.8 7.8 7.3 
Meriadoc Brandebok____1.0 5.0 7.7 
Sam Gewissies_________2.3 4.5 6.7 


Tom Bombadilhas an average grade of 5.5 
Dain IJzervoethas an average grade of 5.5 
Thorin Eikenschildhas an average grade of 5.5 
Meriadoc Brandebokhas an average grade of 5.5 
Sam Gewissieshas an average grade of 5.5 


def names(lines): 
    for i in lines: 
     invoer_split = i.split("_") 
     first_name = invoer_split[0] 
     print first_name + "has an average grade of %.1f" %(average_grade(names)) 

def average_grade(names): 
    for i in lines: 
     grades_split = i.split("_") 
     grades = grades_split[-1] 
     grades_float = map(float,grades.split()) 
     grades_average = sum(grades_float)/3 
     return grades_average 

grades_file = open('grades1+2.in') 
lines = grades_file.readlines() 


請不要破壞你的帖子。 – ChrisF




with open('filename') as f: 
    grades_dict = {} 
    for line in f: 
     name, *underscores, grades = line.split('_') #I forget when this syntax became a thing. You might have to assign these separately 
     grades = list(map(float, grades.split())) 
     grades_dict[name] = sum(grades)/len(grades) 

for name, grade in grades_dict.items(): 
    print('{0} has an avergae grade of {1}'.format(name, grade)) 

哇,這對我來說看起來很複雜..是不是有可能在我自己的代碼中做一點改動? – Max


您遇到的問題主要是因爲您要分別獲取姓名和值,所以以後無法將成績與姓名匹配。以上哪部分是您遇到的問題,我可以向您解釋。 –



def average_grade(grades_string): 
    # split on whitespace 
    grades = grades_string.split(' ') 
    # convert to floats (we convert map to list for python3 compatibility) 
    grades = list(map(float, grades)) 
    # return the average 
    return sum(grades)/len(grades) 

# This is the same as "lines = open()", but closes the file after we finish 
with open('grades1+2.txt') as lines: 
    # Start iterating 
    for line in lines: 
     # When we split by underscores, we will get three parts: 
     # the name; the empty string (where underscores were); the grades. 
     # We can do that in one assignment 
     name, ignore_this, grades_str = line.split('_') 
     # now print the result (converting average to string) 
     print(name + ' has an average of ' + str(average_score(grades_str)))