所以這裏是我正在嘗試做的事(微不足道,我知道;我正在做這個來學習項目的某些東西): 我已經構建了這個模塊來捕獲所有傳出流量,請檢查它是否是ICMP回顯消息流量。 如果是這樣,它只是重新計算ICMP數據包的校驗和,然後讓它繼續。我無法正確修改內核模塊中的ICMP流量
每次我insmod這個模塊,所有PING流量都會失敗>。 < 你能告訴我我在做什麼錯嗎?
Coder: Adel *. *******
Creation Date: April/7th/2012
Last Modification Date: April/9th/2012
Purpose: This module is merely a prototype on how to change the IP/ICMP pakcet information and still let it go without problems
Testing: This module is being tested on a machine running the Linux kernel 2.6.32-33 on a 64bits Intel Processor
Notes: N/A
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/inet.h>
#include <linux/ip.h>
#include <linux/icmp.h>
#include <linux/tcp.h>
#include <linux/in.h>
#include <linux/netfilter.h>
#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>
static struct nf_hook_ops nfho;
static void printICMPHeader(struct icmphdr *icmph);
* in_cksum --
* Checksum routine for Internet Protocol
* family headers (C Version)
unsigned short in_cksum(unsigned short *addr, int len)
register int sum = 0;
u_short answer = 0;
register u_short *w = addr;
register int nleft = len;
* Our algorithm is simple, using a 32 bit accumulator (sum), we add
* sequential 16 bit words to it, and at the end, fold back all the
* carry bits from the top 16 bits into the lower 16 bits.
while (nleft > 1)
sum += *w++;
nleft -= 2;
/* mop up an odd byte, if necessary */
if (nleft == 1)
*(u_char *) (&answer) = *(u_char *) w;
sum += answer;
/* add back carry outs from top 16 bits to low 16 bits */
sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); /* add hi 16 to low 16 */
sum += (sum >> 16); /* add carry */
answer = ~sum; /* truncate to 16 bits */
return (answer);
static unsigned int icmp_check(unsigned int hooknum,
struct sk_buff *skb,
const struct net_device *in,
const struct net_device *out,
int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
struct iphdr *iph;
struct icmphdr *icmph;
struct tcphdr *tcph;
if(skb == NULL)
return -1;
iph = ip_hdr(skb);
if(iph->protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP){
printk(KERN_DEBUG"ICMP traffic!\n");
icmph = icmp_hdr(skb);
if(icmph->type == ICMP_ECHO){
icmph->checksum = in_cksum((unsigned short *)icmph, sizeof(struct icmphdr));
return NF_ACCEPT;
static void printICMPHeader(struct icmphdr *icmph)
printk(KERN_DEBUG "ICMP print function begin \n");
printk(KERN_DEBUG "ICMP type = %d\n", icmph->type);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "ICMP code = %d\n", icmph->code);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "ICMP checksum = %d\n", icmph->checksum);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "ICMP id = %d\n", icmph->un.echo.id);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "ICMP sequence = %d\n", icmph->un.echo.sequence);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "ICMP print function exit \n");
static int __init startup(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "Loading Test module...\n");
printk(KERN_ALERT "Hello world\n");
/* Fill in our hook structure */
nfho.hook = icmp_check; /* Handler function */
nfho.hooknum = NF_INET_POST_ROUTING; /* Just before it hits the wire */
nfho.pf = PF_INET;
nfho.priority = NF_IP_PRI_FILTER;
return 0;
static void __exit cleanup(void)
printk(KERN_ALERT "Goodbye Mr.\n");
編輯: 要調試的代碼一點點,我做了我自己的用戶空間Ping實用程序,我已經使用ICMP報文頭填補其所有的IP和RAW_SOCKETS
icmp->type = ICMP_ECHO;
icmp->code = 0;
icmp->un.echo.id = 0;
icmp->un.echo.sequence = 0;
icmp-> checksum = in_cksum((unsigned short *)icmp, sizeof(struct icmphdr));
只要我的模塊沒有加載,此實用程序工作得很好。 古怪的是,當我打開我的模塊,並檢查內核調試文件,看看我得到:
Apr 9 10:42:10 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 2521.862356] ICMP traffic!
Apr 9 10:42:58 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 2569.572346] ICMP traffic!
Apr 9 10:43:22 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 2593.317201] ICMP traffic!
Apr 9 10:43:56 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 2627.331320] ICMP traffic!
Apr 9 10:44:05 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 2636.802236] ICMP traffic!
Apr 9 10:44:08 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 2639.876490] ICMP traffic!
Apr 9 10:45:27 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 2718.422229] ICMP traffic!
這基本上意味着,我,一些奇怪的原因,我甚至無法趕上ECHO交通我的模塊! (當我能不能抓住它,它只是出去和運行完美) PS我試圖改變鉤LOCAL_OUT,得到了相同的結果
Apr 9 10:57:24 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3435.916336] ICMP print function exit
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922656] ICMP traffic!
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922665] ICMP print function begin
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922670] ICMP type = 8
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922674] ICMP code = 0
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922677] ICMP checksum = 50252
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922681] ICMP id = 3673
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922685] ICMP sequence = 512
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922688] ICMP print function exit
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922691] ICMP print function begin
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922695] ICMP type = 8
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922698] ICMP code = 0
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922702] ICMP checksum = 11090
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922705] ICMP id = 3673
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922709] ICMP sequence = 512
Apr 9 10:57:25 DHS-1022CYB kernel: [ 3436.922712] ICMP print function exit
但請注意,這是Linux實用程序ping的結果,而不是我手寫的PING(我仍然因爲某些原因無法截取)。 只要裝載我的模塊,Linux ping就不能工作。
只是去嘗試,並且仍然一無所獲:( – Fingolfin 2012-04-09 08:03:54
嗯。然後我不知道,但它似乎*清楚地表明校驗和是錯誤的,給出了前後調試輸出。我猜想你的校驗和算法本身是錯誤的,或者你沒有通過合理的數據抽取正確的數據。 確保您的checkusum算法對已知良好的數據/結果有效。然後確保你包含數據包中的所有正確字段,而不是那些不應該在那裏的字段。 – 2012-04-09 08:14:25
這也是不對的,因爲我已經使用了完全相同的函數來計算我手寫的ping程序中的校驗和。 (我也剛剛證實我的PING工作正常,它收到ECHO_REPLY消息)。 – Fingolfin 2012-04-09 08:16:07