這不是家庭作業,是我在書中遇到的練習。 構建一個名爲Name的類,它表示一個person的名稱。該類應該具有表示名字,姓氏和父名的字段。 類應該有以下方法:Java字符串排序
public Name (String fn,String f_n,String ln)
/* initializes the fields of an object with the values fn,f_n and m.
fn means first name
ln means last name
f_n means fathersname btw. */
public String getNormalOrder(); //returns the name of the person in the normal order : first name,fathers name,last name.
public String getReverseOrder(); //returns the name of the person in the reverse order : last name,fathers name,first name.
public boolean compare (String fn,String f_n,String ln); // Returns true if the first name is the same with fn,fathers name is the same with f_n, last name with ln.If the opposite happens it returns false.
public class Name {
String fn;
String f_n;
String ln;
public Name(String initialfn, String initialf_n, String initialln) {
fn = initialfn;
f_n = initialf_n;
ln = initialln;
public String getNormalOrder() {
return fn + " " + f_n +
" " + ln;
public String getReverseOrder() {
return ln + ", " + f_n +
" " + fn + " ";