我正在練習document.cookie屬性,並且能夠在我的FireFox瀏覽器中設置並返回Cookie。但是,當我試圖在谷歌瀏覽器中返回一些cookie時,我沒有返回任何內容。這是有原因的嗎?這裏是我的代碼jsfiddle。爲什麼我無法在Google Chrome中返回Cookie?
<div id="ex1">
<h2>Example 1</h2>
<button id="btn">Return Cookie</button>
<button id="btn2">Set Cookie</button>
如果你在本地主機上設置cookiefunction cText(text) {
return document.createTextNode(text);
function cElem(elem) {
return document.createElement(elem);
function attach(id, text, elem) {
var a = cText(text);
var b = cElem(elem);
var c = document.getElementById(id).appendChild(b);
return c;
document.getElementById('btn').onclick = function() {
var a = document.cookie;
attach('ex1', a, 'p');
/* In order to make key = values you have to make a separate line for
each name and value that you are going to put into the document.cookie*/
document.getElementById('btn2').onclick = function() {
document.cookie = "name = Michael Hendricks; expires =" + dayt + ";";
document.cookie = "occupation = Shitty Retail Clerk; expires =" + dayt + ";";
document.cookie = "age = 26 years old with big ol man boobs; expires =" + dayt + ";";
console.log('cookie has been saved');
您的jsfiddle在我的50.0.2661.102中正常工作Chrome –
@Gosha_Fighten是的,我看到它在jfiddle中有效。但是,當我將它添加到普通的html文件中並將其輸出爲chrome時,我不會返回任何值。 –