2016-07-21 77 views





Sub Ftable() 
Dim BigString As String, I As Long, J As Long, K As Long 
Dim Selection As Range 

Set Selection = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Columns("A") 
BigString = "" 
For Each r In Selection 
    BigString = BigString & " " & r.Value 
Next r 
BigString = Trim(BigString) 
ary = Split(BigString, " ") 
Dim cl As Collection 
Set cl = New Collection 
For Each a In ary 
    On Error Resume Next 
    cl.Add a, CStr(a) 
Next a 

For I = 1 To cl.Count 
    v = cl(I) 
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(I, "B").Value = v 
    J = 0 
    For Each a In ary 
     If a = v Then J = J + 1 
    Next a 
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(I, "C") = J 
Next I 
End Sub 

當您嘗試此代碼時,究竟發生了什麼?在我看來,這在理論上可以適用於你的情況,但是你的BigString可能會越來越大,VBA無法正確處理(它確實不喜歡長字符串)。如果是這種情況,你可能需要重新編寫代碼(至少你必須遍歷選定的單元格,而不是一次性處理它們)。 – Mikegrann




Sub Ftable() 
Dim BigString As String, I As Long, J As Long, K As Long 
Dim countRange As Range 

Set countRange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A50") 
BigString = "" 
For Each r In countRange.Cells 
    BigString = BigString & " " & r.Value 
Next r 
BigString = Trim(BigString) 
ary = Split(BigString, " ") 
Dim cl As Collection 
Set cl = New Collection 
For Each a In ary 
    On Error Resume Next 
    cl.Add a, CStr(a) 
Next a 

For I = 1 To cl.Count 
    v = cl(I) 
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(I, "B").Value = v 
    J = 0 
    For Each a In ary 
     If a = v Then J = J + 1 
    Next a 
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(I, "C") = J 
Next I 
End Sub 




Sub Ftable() 
Dim wordDict As New Dictionary 
Dim r As Range 
Dim countRange As Range 
Dim str As Variant 
Dim strArray() As String 

Set countRange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A50") 

For Each r In countRange 
    strArray = Split(Trim(r.Value), " ") 

    For Each str In strArray 
     str = LCase(str) 
     If wordDict.Exists(str) Then 
      wordDict(str) = wordDict(str) + 1 
      wordDict.Add str, 1 
     End If 
    Next str 
Next r 

Set r = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B1") 
For Each str In wordDict.Keys() 
    r.Value = str 
    r.Offset(0, 1).Value = wordDict(str) 
    Set r = r.Offset(1, 0) 
Next str 

Set wordDict = Nothing 
End Sub 

它使用一本字典,所以一定要確保你的引用添加到庫中(工具>添加引用>微軟腳本庫)。它也迫使所有事情都要小寫 - 舊代碼的一大問題是它沒有正確計算大寫和未加數字的版本,這意味着它錯過了很多單詞。如果你不想要這個,請刪除str = LCase(str)



我在這一行上得到一個錯誤:cl.Add a,CStr(a)。錯誤狀態「這個鍵已經與這個集合中的一個元素相關聯 – TrackStar2016


...這沒有任何意義,它直接在它指示代碼抑制任何錯誤並繼續執行之前的行,就好像沒有什麼不良發生一樣。錯誤不會被壓制...繼續,我正在掀起一個更好的版本。 – Mikegrann



Sub CountWords() 

Dim dictionary As Object 
Dim sentence() As String 
Dim arrayPos As Integer 
Dim lastRow, rowCounter As Long 
Dim ws, destination As Worksheet 

Set ws = Sheets("Put the source sheet name here") 
Set destination = Sheets("Put the destination sheet name here") 

rowCounter = 2 
arrayPos = 0 
lastRow = ws.Range("A1000000").End(xlUp).Row 

Set dictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.dictionary") 

For x = 2 To lastRow 
    sentence = Split(ws.Cells(x, 1), " ") 
    For y = 0 To UBound(sentence) 
     If Not dictionary.Exists(sentence(y)) Then 
      dictionary.Add sentence(y), 1 
      dictionary.Item(sentence(y)) = dictionary.Item(sentence(y)) + 1 
     End If 
    Next y 
Next x 

For Each Item In dictionary 
    destination.Cells(rowCounter, 1) = Item 
    destination.Cells(rowCounter, 2) = dictionary.Item(Item) 
    rowCounter = rowCounter + 1 
Next Item 

End Sub 