我一直在爲此掙扎好幾天,我有一個函數接受一個對象並循環遍歷它,創建顯示列的行(bootstrap),所以我使用jQuery以便從對象本身中選擇一個具有值的ID並附加到該ID上,但出於某種原因,包含該變量的ID選擇器不會被看到,也不會附加到帶有ID的div上?如何選擇一個包含變量的選擇器? (Javascript,jQuery,DOM)
function add_to_page(product) {
//this is the main row that will contain the columns
var rows = $('<div class="row" ></div>');
for (var category in products) {
for (var i = 0; i < products[category].length; i++) {
rows.append($("<div id='" +products[category][i].id +"'></div>").html($('<img>').attr('src', products[category][i].img)));
//the below code is never executed it only creates the image and stops appending after that
$('#' + products[category][i].id).append($('<div class=name>').text(products[category][i].name));
$('#' + products[category][i].id).append($('<div class=category>').text(products[category][i].category));
$('#' + products[category][i].id).append($('<div class=price>').text('Price: ' + products[category][i].price + 'L.E'));
$('#' + products[category][i].id).addClass('col-md-3');
//the below code is to create a new row after filling each row with 4 display columns
if (i % 3 == 0 && i != 0) {
rows = $('<div class="row"></div>');
<div class="container full-width">
<div id="content"></div>
安置自己的HTML和代碼調用add_to_page –
是否有在控制檯的任何錯誤? –
我編輯了html代碼和調用的函數 –