2012-09-17 68 views


在.NET中發現一個實用程序:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/9198/ZIP-Code-Utility 在PHP中找到另一個實用程序。







package ndd; 

public class RadiusBox { 
    static final Double kEarthRadiusMiles = 3956.0; 
    public static RadiusBox create(Double latitude, Double longitude, Double radiusInMiles) 
      A point {lat,lon} is a distance d out on the tc radial from point 1 if: 

      lat = asin (sin (lat1) * cos (d) + cos (lat1) * sin (d) * cos (tc)) 
      dlon = atan2 (sin (tc) * sin (d) * cos (lat1), cos (d) - sin (lat1) * sin (lat)) 
      lon = mod (lon1 + dlon + pi, 2 * pi) - pi 

       * d is the distance in radians (an arc), so the desired radius divided by 
        the radius of the Earth. 
       * tc = 0 is N, tc = pi is S, tc = pi/2 is E, tc = 3*pi/2 is W. 
     double lat; 
     double dlon; 
     double dLatInRads = latitude * (Math.PI/180.0); 
     double dLongInRads = longitude * (Math.PI/180.0); 
     double dDistInRad = radiusInMiles/kEarthRadiusMiles; 
     RadiusBox box = new RadiusBox(); 

     // N (tc == 0): 
     //  lat = asin (sin(lat1)*cos(d) + cos(lat1)*sin(d)) 
     //   = asin (sin(lat1 + d)) 
     //   = lat1 + d 
     // Unused: 
     //  lon = lon1, because north-south lines follow lines of longitude. 
     box.setTopLine((dLatInRads + dDistInRad) * (180.0/Math.PI)); 

     // S (tc == pi): 
     //  lat = asin (sin(lat1)*cos(d) - cos(lat1)*sin(d)) 
     //   = asin (sin(lat1 - d)) 
     //   = lat1 - d 
     // Unused: 
     //  lon = lon1, because north-south lines follow lines of longitude. 
     box.setBottomLine((dLatInRads - dDistInRad) * (180.0/Math.PI)); 

     // E (tc == pi/2): 
     //  lat = asin (sin(lat1)*cos(d)) 
     //  dlon = atan2 (sin(tc)*sin(d)*cos(lat1), cos(d) - sin(lat1)*sin(lat)) 
     //  lon = mod (lon1 + dlon + pi, 2*pi) - pi 
     lat = Math.asin (Math.sin(dLatInRads) * Math.cos (dDistInRad)); 
     dlon = Math.atan2 (Math.sin(Math.PI/2.0) * Math.sin (dDistInRad) * Math.cos (dLatInRads), Math.cos (dDistInRad) - Math.sin (dLatInRads)* Math.sin (lat)); 
     box.setRightLine((((dLongInRads + dlon + Math.PI) % (2.0 * Math.PI)) - Math.PI) * (180.0/Math.PI)); 

     // W (tc == 3*pi/2): 
     //  lat = asin (sin(lat1)*cos(d)) 
     //  dlon = atan2 (sin(tc)*sin(d)*cos(lat1), cos(d) - sin(lat1)*sin(lat)) 
     //  lon = mod (lon1 + dlon + pi, 2*pi) - pi 
     dlon = Math.atan2 (Math.sin (3.0 * Math.PI/2.0) * Math.sin (dDistInRad) * Math.cos (dLatInRads), Math.cos (dDistInRad) - Math.sin (dLatInRads)* Math.sin (lat)); 
     box.setLeftLine((((dLongInRads + dlon + Math.PI) % (2.0 * Math.PI)) - Math.PI) * (180.0/Math.PI)); 

     return box; 

    private double bottomLine; 
    private double topLine; 
    private double leftLine; 
    private double rightLine; 
    private double radius; 
    public double getBottomLine() { 
     return bottomLine; 
    public void setBottomLine(double bottomLine) { 
     this.bottomLine = bottomLine; 
    public double getTopLine() { 
     return topLine; 
    public void setTopLine(double topLine) { 
     this.topLine = topLine; 
    public double getLeftLine() { 
     return leftLine; 
    public void setLeftLine(double leftLine) { 
     this.leftLine = leftLine; 
    public double getRightLine() { 
     return rightLine; 
    public void setRightLine(double rightLine) { 
     this.rightLine = rightLine; 
    public double getRadius() { 
     return radius; 
    public void setRadius(double radius) { 
     this.radius = radius; 
    public String toString() { 
     return "RadiusBox [bottomLine=" + bottomLine + ", leftLine=" + leftLine 
       + ", radius=" + radius + ", rightLine=" + rightLine 
       + ", topLine=" + topLine + "]"; 

    public String getSqlQuery() { 
     StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); 
     sb.append ("SELECT * FROM ZIP_CODES WHERE "); 
     sb.append ("LATITUDE >= "); 
     sb.append (" AND LATITUDE <= "); 
     sb.append (" AND LONGITUDE >= "); 
     sb.append (" AND LONGITUDE <= "); 
     sb.append (" ORDER BY CITY, STATE, ZIP"); 
     return sb.toString(); 