2016-11-12 18 views

我最近收到一個包含二進制可執行文件的難題,該難題的目的是發現隱藏在二進制文件的十六進制轉儲中的密碼。我試圖按照this guideline,但我沒有想法繼續在我達到的點。這是一個有邏輯的代碼部分:如何在二進制文件中發現密碼

#h begins the printf "password: " 

4006dc: bf 14 08 40 00   mov $0x400814,%edi 
4006e1: b8 00 00 00 00   mov $0x0,%eax 
#h sets %eax to NULL 

4006e6: e8 a5 fe ff ff   callq 400590 <[email protected]> 
4006eb: 48 8b 15 6e 09 20 00 mov 0x20096e(%rip),%rdx  # 601060 <[email protected]@GLIBC_2.2.5> 
4006f2: 48 8d 45 b0    lea -0x50(%rbp),%rax 
#h probably the address of the string "password: " 

4006f6: be 32 00 00 00   mov $0x32,%esi 
4006fb: 48 89 c7    mov %rax,%rdi 
4006fe: e8 ad fe ff ff   callq 4005b0 <[email protected]> 
#h calling the fgets function, so here we know which register is being used for storing the input 

400703: c7 45 ac 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0,-0x54(%rbp) 
#h makes mem[rbp-84] = NULL 

40070a: c7 45 a8 00 00 00 00 movl $0x0,-0x58(%rbp) 
#h makes mem[rpb-88] = NULL 

400711: eb 27     jmp 40073a <[email protected]+0x17a> 
#h jumps unconditionally to the pc address 40073a 

400713: 8b 45 a8    mov -0x58(%rbp),%eax 
400716: 48 98     cltq 
400718: 0f b6 44 05 b0   movzbl -0x50(%rbp,%rax,1),%eax 
40071d: 0f be d0    movsbl %al,%edx 
400720: 8b 45 a8    mov -0x58(%rbp),%eax 
400723: 48 98     cltq 
400725: 0f b6 44 05 b0   movzbl -0x50(%rbp,%rax,1),%eax 
40072a: 0f be c0    movsbl %al,%eax 
40072d: 89 c1     mov %eax,%ecx 
#h ecx loop counter 

40072f: d3 e2     shl %cl,%edx 
400731: 89 d0     mov %edx,%eax 
#h moves edx to eax 

400733: 31 45 ac    xor %eax,-0x54(%rbp) 
#h do a xor between eax and -0x54(rbp) 

400736: 83 45 a8 01    addl $0x1,-0x58(%rbp) 

#h pc address 40073a is below here 
40073a: 8b 45 a8    mov -0x58(%rbp),%eax 
40073d: 48 63 d8    movslq %eax,%rbx 
400740: 48 8d 45 b0    lea -0x50(%rbp),%rax 
#h register rax receives the mem[rbp-80] (first local variable) 

400744: 48 89 c7    mov %rax,%rdi 
400747: e8 24 fe ff ff   callq 400570 <[email protected]> 
40074c: 48 39 c3    cmp %rax,%rbx 
40074f: 72 c2     jb  400713 <[email protected]+0x153> 
#h if %rax < %rdi, jump to pc = 400713 

400751: 81 7d ac 62 02 49 0d cmpl $0xd490262,-0x54(%rbp) 
#here it compares the 0xd490262 memory address with mem[rbp-84], so I guess that the -0x54(%rbp) contains the string we want, but where??? 

400758: 75 0c     jne 400766 <[email protected]+0x1a6> 
#h here it does the jump if not equal, so the contents we want is on $0xd490262 

40075a: bf 1f 08 40 00   mov $0x40081f,%edi 
40075f: e8 fc fd ff ff   callq 400560 <[email protected]> 
400764: eb 0a     jmp 400770 <[email protected]+0x1b0> 
#h wrong password 
400766: bf 2b 08 40 00   mov $0x40082b,%edi 
40076b: e8 f0 fd ff ff   callq 400560 <[email protected]> 
400770: 48 8b 4d e8    mov -0x18(%rbp),%rcx 
400774: 64 48 33 0c 25 28 00 xor %fs:0x28,%rcx 
40077b: 00 00 




$password: (fgets function in here) 
$wrong password! 



嘗試編寫與代碼彙編代碼完全相同的代碼。 – fuz


@FUZxxl我已經試過這樣做了,但我認爲二進制文件的作者使用了與我完全不同的邏輯。二進制可執行文件的十六進制文件不能接近: – Barretxx


您編寫的C代碼不太可能接近此代碼會產生相同的程序集。行爲應該匹配,而不是程序集。 – fuz





從它的外觀密碼是常數$ 0xd490262我猜,因爲它的值來自[rbp-0x54],所以如果[rbp-0x54]包含$ 0xd490262那麼比較後的jne將不會跳。從而打印好男孩的消息。


當您說「密碼是恆$ 0xd490262" 你的意思是字面上的字符串‘$ 0xd490262’或十進制數從它222888546? – Barretxx


我的意思是,密碼是具有0d490262h的十六進制值硬編碼的值,所以輸入值,這些來自用戶,必須以該值爲結尾或具有4字節值以便它可以通過,但這些值不是「可輸入類型」的字符?,所以我猜測某些操作輸入值,難以在反彙編中解密,使用您的調試器在運行時檢查它以進一步分析發生了什麼。 – rcd
