2013-06-12 41 views

我有兩個類,classB和classC,都擴展了classLetters。在classB和classC調用的獨立類中,有兩個方法:getBType()和getCType()。兩者中的代碼差不多是重複的,因爲它們都做同樣的事情,除了抓取B類型和抓取C類型。有沒有辦法將這兩個方法合併爲一個名爲getType(String className)的方法,例如,它可以檢測哪個類正在調用它,並根據調用該方法的人來獲取正確類型?這樣我就可以從classB或classC中調用getType(String className),而不必從classB中調用getBType(),並從classC中調用getCType()。這很重要,因爲我將添加更多的類,這將擴展此類,並且我想減少重複代碼的數量。如何使用泛型在Java中創建通用方法?

Collection<classB> bstuff = new Collection<classB>(); 
Collection<classC> cstuff = new Collection<classC>(); 

public Collection<classB> getBType() { 
     ArrayList<classB> b = new ArrayList<classb>(); //this can just return bstuff instead 
     b.addAll(bstuff);        //but i would like to leave this here for the example 
     return b; 

public Collection<classC> getCType() { 
     ArrayList<classC> c = new ArrayList<classc>(); //this can just return cstuff instead 
     c.addAll(cstuff);        //but i would like to leave this here for the example 
     return c; 


static HashMap<String, Collection<? extends classLetters>> allLetters = new HashMa..... etc(); //just an example 
//then here i would statically add each class type to the hashmap 

public Collection<? extends classLetters> getType(className) { 
    if (className == "classB") { 
     ArrayList<classB> b = new ArrayList<classb>(); 
     return b; 
    else if (className == "classC") { 
     ArrayList<classC> c = new ArrayList<classc>(); 
     return c; 


public <T> Collection<T> getType() { 
    ArrayList<T> anyLetter = new ArrayList<T>; 
    anyLetter.addAll(/* somehow distingush which letter class to put here */); 
    return anyLetter; 

「可以檢測其類稱其爲」 < - AFAIK你不能做到這一點 – fge


念念不忘的類層次結構,退後一步,告訴我們什麼是你想完成的任務。 – Piovezan


只需將您的值存儲在'Map ,Collection >' – jmruc




List<String> ls = new ArrayList<>(); 
List<Integer> li = new ArrayList<>(); 

public static <T> List<T> copy(Collection<T> list) { 
    List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); 
    return result; 

public List<String> getLS() { 
    return copy(ls); 

public List<Integer> getLI() { 
    return copy(li); 

如果你要創建一個新的ClassD,它是如何工作的?你會通過收藏列表複製()?那麼返回的是List >? –


是的,因爲複製爲其返回類型保留了通用參數類型。 –


感謝您的幫助! –

class A{} 
class B extends A{} 
class C extends A{} 

class Container{ 
    private Map<Class<? extends A>, Collection<? extends A>> things = new HashMap<Class<? extends A>, Collection<? extends A>>(); 

    <Athing extends A> Collection<Athing> get(Class<Athing> clazz) 
     return (Collection<Athing>)things.get(clazz); 

    <Athing extends A> void put(Class<Athing> clazz, Athing thing) 
     Collection<Athing> coll = get(clazz); 
     if(coll == null) 
     coll = new ArrayList<Athing>(); 
     things.put(clazz, coll); 


    public static void main(String []args){ 
     Container con = new Container(); 
     con.put(B.class, new B()); 
     con.put(A.class, new A()); 