2016-02-13 80 views


    "CityName" : "NewYork", 
    "ID" : 65, 
    "CityCode" : "NY", 
    "ShopAddress" : "NO.7\/8 17th quarter, 27th Street, LiverPool Township, NewYork." 

    "CityName" : "NewYork", 
    "ID" : 89, 
    "CityCode" : "NY", 
    "ShopAddress" : "NO.7\/8 17th quarter, 40th Street, West Stadium, NewYork." 
    "CityName" : "Maimi", 
    "ID" : 150, 
    "CityCode" : "MI", 
    "ShopAddress" : "NO.7\/8 17th quarter, 40th Street, West Stadium, Maimi." 


import Foundation 
import RealmSwift 

class StoreList: Object { 

dynamic var storeID : String = "" 
dynamic var cityCode : String = "" 
dynamic var cityName : String = "" 
dynamic var shopAddress :String = "" 

override static func primaryKey() -> String? { 
    return "storeID" 


如何獲得其關注每個CityNames CityNames和適當的店鋪地址的數據?

for (var i = 0; i <= cityname.count; i++) { 
     cityItems.append("City Names from realm") 

     var items = [String]() 
     for (var i = 0; i < cityName["Newyork"].shopaddress.count; i++) { 
      items.append("the locations shop address of each item from each cities") 


我想這樣做,因爲我想在我的手風琴表視圖中顯示。 enter image description here



我沒有得到你想要達到的目標嗎? – Anokrize


你看過我的屏幕截圖了嗎?這就是我想要做的。但是,我需要首先獲取數據保存到領域數據庫。將會有許多城市。每個城市將包括商店address.Cities可能是重複的,但城市id不會重複。 –


啊,所以你想顯示你的城市下的商店(如果有一些可用於城市)? – Anokrize





var cities = [string]() 
var items = [int]() 

// loop through your realm objects 
for (var i = 0; i <= RealmObjects.count; i++) { 

    // add every city to your array if it isn't already in your array 
    if !cities.contains(RealmObjects.CityName) { 
    else { 
     // get index of city 
     let indexOfCity = cities.indexOf(RealmObjects.CityName) 
     // get number of shops for the city 
     var numberOfShops = cities[indexOfCity] 
     numberOfShops += 1 
     // raise items for section by 1 
     items[indexOfCity] = numberOfShops 


// in your tableViewController add these sections as the title of your header 
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? { 

// this is your array including the cities 
return self.cities 


override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int { 
// return the number of sections 
return self.section.count 


override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { 
// return the number of rows for one section 
return self.items[section] // not sure with this you have to get the current section 


override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { 
    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("tableCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) 

    // Add the shops in your section 
    cell.textLabel?.text = self.RealmObjects.ShopAddress[indexPath.row] 

    return cell 


我沒有嘗試此代碼...這是基本方法。 快速的解釋:

  1. 你必須把城市變成一個數組(無市的一式兩份)
  2. 計數的店鋪數量爲一個城市
  3. 設置適當的到是裏面的城市節陣列
  4. 設置的行數,一個部分爲這個你應該讀出的計數商店爲一個城市的陣列
  5. 設置節數
  6. 至少調用cellForRowA tIndexPath爲了設置單元格的文本

好的,謝謝讓我試試看,並會讓你知道。 ; D –


我可以在聊天時認識你嗎? –