2013-06-01 47 views


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我會考慮使用'System.Drawing'並處理'OnPaint'事件。有一個很好的自定義'ProgressBar'創建教程[Here](http://tutplusplus.blogspot.com/2010/09/c-tutorial-create-custom-progressbar.html)。 –


它是否表明進展,例如色調變化以指示剩餘的工作,還是僅僅跳舞,以至於用戶會認爲事情正在發生? – HABO


@Evanlewis感謝您的鏈接,這是很大的幫助。正如HABO指出的那樣,我將不得不進行色調更改動畫(類似於常見的進度條),以便用戶知道該應用程序未被掛起。 – anuragsn7




// The following code was written by Guilherme Labigalini 
public partial class BlockedProgressBar : Control 
    BlockList _blockList; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// MyProgressBar Constructor 
    /// </summary> 
    public BlockedProgressBar() 
     _blockList = new BlockList(); 
     _direction = DirectionMode.Horizontal; 
     SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw | ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true); 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Update mode of segments 
    /// </summary> 
    [Description("The mode of update of progress bar")] 
    public BlockList.UpdateMode UpdateMode 
     get { return _blockList.Update; } 
     set { _blockList.Update = value; } 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Change quantity of segments 
    /// </summary> 
    [Description("The length of segments of progress bar")] 
    public int Length 
     get { return _blockList.Length; } 
     set { _blockList.Length = value; this.Refresh(); } 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Get or set filled segments 
    /// </summary> 
    public int[] FilledSegments 
     get { return _blockList.FilledSegments; } 
     set { _blockList.FilledSegments = value; this.Refresh(); } 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Get or sets the full list of segments 
    /// </summary> 
    public bool[] FullListSegment 
     get { return _blockList.FullListSegment; } 
     set { _blockList.FullListSegment = value; this.Refresh(); } 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Get or set the block list of segments 
    /// </summary> 
    public List<Block> BlockList 
     get { return _blockList.List; } 
     set { _blockList.List = value; this.Refresh(); } 
    /// <summary> 
    /// DirectionMode of bar 
    /// </summary> 
    public enum DirectionMode 
     Horizontal = 0, 
     Vertical = 1 
    private DirectionMode _direction = DirectionMode.Horizontal; 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Horizontal or Vertical 
    /// </summary> 
    [Description("The filling direction of progress bar")] 
    public DirectionMode Direction 
     get { return _direction; } 
     set { _direction = value; this.Refresh(); } 
    /// <summary> 
    /// OnPaint event 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="pe"></param> 
    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe) 
     Color color1 = ControlPaint.Dark(this.ForeColor); 
     Color color2 = ControlPaint.Light(this.ForeColor); 

     if (_direction == DirectionMode.Horizontal) 
      int top = ClientRectangle.Top + ClientRectangle.Height/2 - 1; 
      int height = ClientRectangle.Height - top; 
      DrawRectangleH(pe, top, height, color2, color1); 

      top = ClientRectangle.Top; 
      height = ClientRectangle.Height/2; 
      DrawRectangleH(pe, top, height, color1, color2); 
      int left = ClientRectangle.Left; 
      int width = ClientRectangle.Width/2; 
      DrawRectangleV(pe, left, width, color1, color2); 

      left = ClientRectangle.Left + ClientRectangle.Width/2; 
      width = ClientRectangle.Width/2; 
      DrawRectangleV(pe, left, width, color2, color1); 

     pe.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(Color.Black), ClientRectangle); 
    private void DrawRectangleH(PaintEventArgs pe, int top, int height, Color fromColor, Color toColor) 
     var rect = new Rectangle(ClientRectangle.Left, top, ClientRectangle.Width, height); 
     var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, fromColor, toColor, LinearGradientMode.Vertical); 
     if (_blockList.Length > 0) 
      Rectangle[] rects = GetRectanglesH(top, height); 
      if (rects.Length > 0) pe.Graphics.FillRectangles(brush, rects); //SystemBrushes.Control 
    private void DrawRectangleV(PaintEventArgs pe, int left, int width, Color fromColor, Color toColor) 
     var rect = new Rectangle(left, ClientRectangle.Top, width, ClientRectangle.Height); 
     var brush = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, fromColor, toColor, LinearGradientMode.Horizontal); 
     if (_blockList.Length > 0) 
      Rectangle[] rects = GetRectanglesV(left, width); 
      if (rects.Length > 0) pe.Graphics.FillRectangles(brush, rects); //SystemBrushes.Control 
    private Rectangle[] GetRectanglesH(int top, int height) 
     var rects = new List<Rectangle>(); 
     float xf = 0; 
     int y = top; 
     int h = height; 

     float pf = this.Width/(float)_blockList.Length; 
     //h = this.Height; 

     foreach (Block block in _blockList.List) 
      if (block.PercentProgress > 0) 
       int x = Convert.ToInt32(xf); 
       float wf = (pf * (block.BlockSize * block.PercentProgress/100)) + xf - x; 
       int w = Convert.ToInt32(wf); 

       rects.Add(new Rectangle(x, y, w, h)); 

      xf += pf * block.BlockSize; 
     return rects.ToArray(); 

    private Rectangle[] GetRectanglesV(int left, int width) 
     var rects = new List<Rectangle>(); 
     float yf = 0; 
     int x = left; 
     int w = width; 

     float pf = this.Height/(float)_blockList.Length; 
     //w = this.Width; 

     foreach (Block block in _blockList.List) 
      if (block.PercentProgress > 0) 
       int y = Convert.ToInt32(yf); 
       float hf = (pf * (block.BlockSize * block.PercentProgress/100)) + yf - y; 
       int h = Convert.ToInt32(hf); 

       rects.Add(new Rectangle(x, y, w, h)); 

      yf += pf * block.BlockSize; 
     return rects.ToArray(); 

public class BlockList 
    private int _length; 
    private List<Block> _blockList; 

    public BlockList() 
     _blockList = new List<Block>(); 

    public enum UpdateMode 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Update mode of segments 
    /// </summary> 
    public UpdateMode Update = UpdateMode.All; 

    /// <summary> 
    /// Change quantity of segments 
    /// </summary> 
    public int Length 
     get { return _length; } 
      if (_length != value && value > 0) 
       var bools = FullListSegment; 
       var bools2 = new bool[value]; 
       for (int i = 0; i < bools.Length; i++) 
        bools2[i] = bools[i]; 
       FullListSegment = bools2; 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Get or set filled segments 
    /// </summary> 
    public int[] FilledSegments 
      var bools = FullListSegment; 
      var filled = new List<int>(); 
      for (int i = 0; i < bools.Length; i++) 
       if (bools[i]) 

      return filled.ToArray(); 
      if (Update != UpdateMode.All && Update != UpdateMode.FilledSegments) 
       throw new InvalidOperationException(); 
      if (value != null) 
       if (value.Length > 0) 
        var bools = FullListSegment; 
        for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) 
         bools.SetValue(true, value[i]); 
        FullListSegment = bools; 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Get or sets the full list of segments 
    /// </summary> 
    public bool[] FullListSegment 
      int sizeAnterior = 0; 
      var bools = new bool[_length]; 
      if (bools.Length > 0) 
       foreach (Block block in _blockList) 
        for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(block.BlockSize * block.PercentProgress/100); i++) 
         bools.SetValue(true, i + sizeAnterior); 
        sizeAnterior += Convert.ToInt32(block.BlockSize); 
      return bools; 
      if (Update != UpdateMode.All && Update != UpdateMode.FullListSegment) 
       throw new InvalidOperationException(); 

      bool bOld = false; 
      int qtd = 0; 
      int filled = 0; 
      if (value != null) 
       if (value.Length > 0) 
        float percent; 
        foreach (bool b in value) 
         if (b == bOld) 
          if (bOld) 
           filled = qtd; 
          else if (filled + qtd > 0) 
           percent = filled/(float)(filled + qtd) * 100; 
           _blockList.Add(new Block(filled + qtd, percent)); 
          qtd = 1; 
          bOld = b; 
        if (filled + qtd > 0) 
         percent = filled/(float)(filled + qtd) * 100; 
         _blockList.Add(new Block(filled + qtd, percent)); 
        _length = value.Length; 
       _length = 0; 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Get or set the block list of segments 
    /// </summary> 
    public List<Block> List 
      return _blockList; 
      if (Update != UpdateMode.All && Update != UpdateMode.BlockList) 
       throw new InvalidOperationException(); 
      float size = 0; 
      _blockList = value; 
      if (_blockList != null) 
       size += _blockList.Sum(block => block.BlockSize); 
      _length = Convert.ToInt32(size); 

public class Block 
    private float _blockSize; 
    private float _percentProgress; 

    public Block(float blockSize, float percentProgress) 
     this.BlockSize = blockSize; 
     this.PercentProgress = percentProgress; 

    public float BlockSize 
     get { return _blockSize; } 
     set { _blockSize = value; } 

    public float PercentProgress 
     get { return _percentProgress; } 
     set { _percentProgress = value; } 


blockedProgressBar1.BlockList = new List<Block>(5) 
       new Block(100,20), 
       new Block(100,50), 
       new Block(100,70), 
       new Block(100,99), 
       new Block(100,60), 
       new Block(100,35), 


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我已使相同的應用程序,但進度欄不顯示。任何原因? – Chirag


@Chirag它應該工作(至少,它上次我使用該片段)。如果你遇到問題,那麼你應該問一個問題。 – Nasreddine


'@ Nasreddine' - 代碼工作正常,但進度條沒有顯示。 – Chirag