.php文件使用這個標籤<body onLoad="getNewData()">
var data_array = ''; // this is a global variable
function getNewData() {
url: "dbMinAlert.php",
.done(function(res) {
data_array = res; // the global variable is updated here and accessible elsewhere
.fail(function() {
// handle errors here
.always(function() {
// we've completed the call and updated the global variable, so set a timeout to make the call again
setTimeout(getNewData, 2000);
function getNewDataSuccess() {
---這個PHP代碼的工作原理,它實際上做我期望它做的事情。真正的問題在於JavaScript,對於我所關心的下一個PHP表單可能會打印出「Hello world」消息,但我希望它顯示在放置在索引中的div內,而不必將任何內容發佈到dbMinAlert.php。
define("HOST", "localhost");
define("DBUSER", "root");
define("PASS", "password");
define("DB", "mydb");
// Database Error - User Message
define("DB_MSG_ERROR", 'Could not connect!<br />Please contact the site\'s administrator.');
$conn = mysql_connect(HOST, DBUSER, PASS) or die(DB_MSG_ERROR);
$db = mysql_select_db(DB) or die(DB_MSG_ERROR);
$query = mysql_query("
FROM outputs, products
WHERE products.idProduct=outputs.idProduct
ORDER BY Date DESC, Time DESC limit 5
echo '<ul class="news">';
while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$date = date_create($data['Date']);
$time = date_create($data['Time']);
echo '<li><figure><strong>'.date_format($date,'d').'</strong>'.date_format($date,'M').date_format($date,'Y').'</figure>'.$data["idProduct"]." ".$data['prodName'].'</li>';
echo '</ul>';
切勿使用mysql_ *,它PHP7被刪除。 – Drudge
你什麼時候調用'getNewData'? – Rayon
我在我的索引'body onLoad中調用它,但它仍然不起作用 – All