環顧所有跡象都表明它是與V3.0(我的是v4.3.3f1使用的版本)中的錯誤,但同時我下面的代碼工作在編輯器沒有問題,當我將它的構建上傳到我提供的html空間時,它不會繼續超過yield return www請求。
當前登錄在下面的塊之前工作的方式是初始化FB gameobject,登錄Facebook,檢查沒有錯誤,然後傳回FB UserID,然後傳遞給下面的代碼 - 它的工作原理如下意。
快速編輯 - 數據庫連接器包含主要的URL,下面的代碼添加到php獲取必要的字符串。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System;
public class ConnectToDataBase : MonoBehaviour {
public bool bDatabaseConnected = false;
public bool bConnectionFailed = false;
public string sFacebookID;
public WWWForm wwwForm;
public void vStartConnection()
var text = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Other");
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: prepping query";
//call databasequeries and get sDBConnect
string sConnectPhp = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("DBConnector").GetComponent<DatabaseQueries>().sDBConnect;
//now ready the url with the necessary code for php's get, and the FacebookID
string url = sConnectPhp + "?UserID=" + sFacebookID;
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: url being sent:\n" + url;
WWW wwwGet = new WWW(url);
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: wwwGet created";
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: starting coroutine";
IEnumerator Connect(WWW www)
var text = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Other");
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: coroutine started - sending www request";
yield return www;
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: wwwGet yield return";
string sTemp = www.text;
if(www.error == null)
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: wwwGet has not errored";
string newString = sTemp.ToString();
int newInt = Convert.ToInt32(newString);
//print (newString);
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: checking wwwGet return as int";
if(newInt == 0)
//if successfully connected set to true
print ("connectToDatabase: olduser successful");
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: olduser successful";
bDatabaseConnected = true;
yield break;
else if(newInt == 1)
//if successfully connected set to true
print ("connectToDatabase: newuser successful");
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: newuser successful";
bDatabaseConnected = true;
yield break;
else if(newInt == 2)
//game connection has failed
print ("connectToDatabase: failed");
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: failed";
bDatabaseConnected = false;
bConnectionFailed = true;
yield break;
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: php did not return a 0/1/2 value";
//game connection has failed
print ("connectToDatabase: failed");
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: wwwGet has errored:\n" + www.error;
bDatabaseConnected = false;
bConnectionFailed = true;
yield break;
text.guiText.text = "Login : connectToDatabase: wwwGet if statement skipped entirely";
Aaah好的謝謝,明天我再次在實驗室裏實施它。 – BigHandInSky