我正在學習如何解析Beautifulsoup。有人能解釋我如何解析div class="article-content"
元素。我希望在腳本啓動後只能看到內容信息。讓我證明我想要的東西:Python Beautifulsoup。解析<p></p>
解析div class="article-content"
import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
html = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.engadget.com/2014/10/17/local-multiplayer-is-coming-to-android-games/')
parsed_html = BeautifulSoup(html)
print parsed_html.body.find('div', attrs={'class':'article-content'}).text
$ python engadget_parser.py
Ever wish that you could just whip out your Android device and harass a passer-by to play games with you? It's the sort of thing that Nintendo DS users, for example, have been using thanks to that company's StreetPass feature, but, until now, hasn't been available on Google's smartphones. Now, however, the company has an added an update to its games infrastructure that enables "ambient, real-time" games with more than one user - so long that the game relies upon Google's home-grown multiplayer backend. Still, maybe don't sprint into the street and start challenging people to a dual, because they might get the wrong idea.
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768: function(){}
Source: Android Developers (G+)
Tags: android, AndroidGames, gaming, google, googleplaygames, mobile, mobilepostcross
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_when_.eng("eng.livefyre.init", {
articleId: 20979699 ,
domain: "engadget.fyre.co" ,
siteId: "296092" ,
el: "livefyre_20979699",
initialNumVisible: 2
0: function(){},
320: function(){},
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