讓我們假設你的數據是一個簡單的String []:
// populate this in constructor, via service, setter, etc - whatever makes sense
private string[] data;
// how many rows are in the table
public int NumberOfRowsInTableView(NSTableView table)
return data.length;
// what to draw in the table
public NSObject ObjectValueForTableColumn (NSTableView table, NSTableColumn col, int row)
// assume you've setup your tableview in IB with two columns, "Index" and "Value"
string text = string.Empty;
if (col.HeaderCell.Title == "Index") {
text = row.ToString();
} else {
text = data [row];
return new NSString (text);
我假設,第一個方法返回'table.RowCount'。你能告訴我如何設置第二種方法嗎? – iwatakeshi
或者它會是這樣的東西,除了在C#中嗎? [Mac桌面編程指南](https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/cocoa/Conceptual/TableView/PopulatingCellTables/PopulatingCellTables.html) – iwatakeshi
我擴展了我的示例以包含一些更多細節 – Jason