Scenario: As a user that has not signed in I want to be able to sign up for provisioner
Given I am not logged in
When I go to the home page
And click on the "Sign Up" button
Then I should be on the page with the title: "Sign Up"
When I provide valid information
And click the "Submit" button
Then I should see "Account is being created and verified, you will receive an email with instructions once account has been approved"
And the application should send the administrator an email
And I should be redirected to the home page as an anonymous user
When /^I go to the home page$/ do
visit root_path
When /^click on the "([^"]*)" button$/ do |page_name|
click_link page_name
Then /^I should be on the page with the title: "([^"]*)"$/ do |page_title|
response.should have_selector('title', :content => "#{page_title}")
expected css "title" to return something (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
您是否使用Capybara? – polarblau
沒關係 - 如果是的話,試試@Bohdan Pohorilets的回答。 – polarblau