2016-02-12 23 views

塊引用 選擇類別之後新的字段之後,輸入字段是長度,寬度,thikenes.based該輸入我得到這樣的輸出: - 熨平數量:1050,水泥:189包,沙:12.60cft 但問題是點擊+按鈕後顯示NaN,我需要存儲以前的輸出值肥大被添加到新的輸出insNN值。添加輸出即將楠angularjs

var app = angular.module('Calc', []); 
app.controller('Calc_Ctrl', function($scope) { 

    /* Start constants declaration*/ 
    $scope.type={"M20 (1:1.5:3)":{cement:"0.180",sand :"0.012",mmaggregate20:"0.017",mmaggregate12:"0.007"}, 
       "M21 (1:1.5:3)":{cement:"0.227",sand :"0.012",mmaggregate20:"0.017",mmaggregate12:"0.007"}}; 
    /*End constants declaration*/ 

    /*Start user input values and Function to add/remove input fields*/ 
    $scope.choices = [{id : 'choice1', l2 : 10, b2 : 10,d2:10}]; 
    $scope.addNewChoice = function() { 
      var newItemNo = $scope.choices.length + 1; 
      $scope.choices.push({'id' : 'choice' + newItemNo}); 

    $scope.removeChoice = function() { 
      var lastItem = $scope.choices.length - 1; 

    $scope.sum = function() { 
      var sum = 0; 
      angular.forEach($scope.choices, function(choice) { 
       sum += choice.l2 * choice.b2*choice.d2; 
      return sum; 
    /*End user input values and Function to add/remove input fields*/ 


    /*End function to select units*/ 

<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.8/angular.min.js"></script> 
      <div ng-app="Calc" ng-controller="Calc_Ctrl"> 
       <script src="scc.js"></script> 
       <!--Start Input calculation--> 
       Select a category: 
       <select ng-model="selectedgrade" ng-options="x for (x, y) in type" > 
       <br> <b>Input</b> 
       <form data-ng-repeat="choice in choices"> 
        {{$index + 1}} : 
        Length:<input type="number" ng-model="choice.l2" /> 
        width: <input type="number" ng-model="choice.b2" /> 
        Thickness: <input id="area" type="number" ng-model="choice.d2" /> 
        <button ng-click="addNewChoice()">+</button> 

        <button ng-show="$last" ng-click="removeChoice()">-</button> 
       <h2>cement: {{selectedgrade.cement}}</h2> 
       <!--End Input calculation--> 
       <br> <b>Output</b><br> 
       Screed qty:{{(sum() + (sum() * 0.05))}}<br> 
       Cement:{{((sum() + (sum() * 0.05))*selectedgrade.cement)|number:0}}bags<br> 
       sand:{{((sum() + (sum() * 0.05))*selectedgrade.sand)|number:2}}cft<br> 
       <!--end Output calculation--> 



當你添加新的空白項目,應指定L2性能,B2,D2至零或變化和功能的代碼是這樣的(因爲未定義的數字去的NaN ):

$scope.sum = function() { 
      var sum = 0; 
      angular.forEach($scope.choices, function(choice) { 
       if(choice && choice.l2 && choice.b2 && choice.d2) 
        sum += choice.l2 * choice.b2*choice.d2; 
      return sum; 

var app = angular.module('Calc', []); 
app.controller('Calc_Ctrl', function($scope) { 

    /* Start constants declaration*/ 
    $scope.type={"M20 (1:1.5:3)":{cement:"0.180",sand :"0.012",mmaggregate20:"0.017",mmaggregate12:"0.007"}, 
       "M21 (1:1.5:3)":{cement:"0.227",sand :"0.012",mmaggregate20:"0.017",mmaggregate12:"0.007"}}; 
    /*End constants declaration*/ 

    /*Start user input values and Function to add/remove input fields*/ 
    $scope.choices = [{id : 'choice1', l2 : 10, b2 : 10,d2:10}]; 
    $scope.addNewChoice = function() { 
      var newItemNo = $scope.choices.length + 1; 
      $scope.choices.push({'id' : 'choice' + newItemNo, l2:0, b2:0,d2:0}); 

    $scope.removeChoice = function() { 
      var lastItem = $scope.choices.length - 1; 

    $scope.sum = function() { 
      var sum = 0; 
      angular.forEach($scope.choices, function(choice) { 
      if(choice && choice.l2 && choice.b2 && choice.d2) 
       sum += choice.l2 * choice.b2*choice.d2; 
      return sum; 
    /*End user input values and Function to add/remove input fields*/ 


    /*End function to select units*/ 

<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.8/angular.min.js"></script> 
      <div ng-app="Calc" ng-controller="Calc_Ctrl"> 
       <script src="scc.js"></script> 
       <!--Start Input calculation--> 
       Select a category: 
       <select ng-model="selectedgrade" ng-options="x for (x, y) in type" > 
       <br> <b>Input</b> 
       <form data-ng-repeat="choice in choices"> 
        {{$index + 1}} : 
        Length:<input type="number" ng-model="choice.l2" /> 
        width: <input type="number" ng-model="choice.b2" /> 
        Thickness: <input id="area" type="number" ng-model="choice.d2" /> 
        <button ng-click="addNewChoice()">+</button> 

        <button ng-show="$last" ng-click="removeChoice()">-</button> 
       <h2>cement: {{selectedgrade.cement}}</h2> 
       <!--End Input calculation--> 
       <br> <b>Output</b><br> 
       Screed qty:{{(sum() + (sum() * 0.05))}}<br> 
       Cement:{{((sum() + (sum() * 0.05))*selectedgrade.cement)|number:0}}bags<br> 
       sand:{{((sum() + (sum() * 0.05))*selectedgrade.sand)|number:2}}cft<br> 
       <!--end Output calculation--> 