在動態查詢返回多值之後,我問了一個問題:Build a dynamic query using neo4j client使用Neo4j的客戶
var resQuery2 = WebApiConfig.GraphClient.Cypher
.Match("(movie:Movie {title:{title}})")
.WithParam("title", title)
.Return(() => Return.As<string>("movie, collect([person.name, head(split(lower(type(r)), '_')), r.roles])"));
The deserializer is running in single column mode, but the response included multiple columns which indicates a projection instead. If using the fluent Cypher interface, use the overload of Return that takes a lambda or object instead of single string. (The overload with a single string is for an identity, not raw query text: we can't map the columns back out if you just supply raw query text.)
您的第一個解決方案是我所需要的,因爲它保持了查詢的動態性質,非常感謝! –