此代碼將按照給定的信息執行您的操作。我鼓勵你查看所使用的方法,因爲它們是困難中的基礎和新手。我已經寫下了解釋每個部分正在做什麼的評論。 GL
Sub test()
Dim filter, C1, C2 As String
Dim counter As Integer
Dim letters() As String
Dim i, x As Integer
Dim char As String
Cells(1, 3).Select
x = 1
'Checks to see if the third column is blank, if not it will continue
While Cells(x, 3).Value <> ""
'Re instantiates an array of size 3 to store the letters (technically 4 since 0 is also a position) Also erases past stored data
ReDim letters(3) As String
i = 0
'Filter stores the whole string
filter = ActiveCell.Value
'Stores the column A and B values of that row in C1 and C2
C1 = ActiveCell.Offset(, -2).Value
C2 = ActiveCell.Offset(, -1).Value
'This for loop goes through each character of filter string
For counter = 1 To Len(filter)
'char stores the character
char = Mid(filter, counter, 1)
If char = " " Or char = "&" Then
'stores any character not blank and "&" in an array
letters(i) = char
i = i + 1
End If
'If statement to skip rows that only have 1 letter
If letters(1) <> Empty Then
'For loop that will create a new line and print out array letters in each new row
For i = 0 To 1
ActiveCell.Value = letters(i)
ActiveCell.Offset(, -2).Value = C1
ActiveCell.Offset(, -1) = C2
ActiveCell.Value = letters(i + 1)
Next i
End If
x = x + 1
End Sub
歡迎來到Stack Overflow!你的問題只包含要求 - 它沒有顯示你方的任何努力來自己解決這個問題。請將您的嘗試加入這個問題 - 因爲本網站不是免費的「我們做您的(家)工作」服務。除此之外:請轉到[幫助]瞭解如何/在這裏問什麼。謝謝! – GhostCat
抱歉沒有付出任何努力。所有我嘗試過的各種excel公式都喜歡打破價值,但都沒有成功。新vba如此張貼在這裏。 –
對不起,但這不是「我們做你的工作」服務。如果想從VBA活動中獲得一些真正的結果 - 那就不要走彎路了。你最好拿起一本好書/教程並開始學習。或者你決定僱用某人併爲這項工作付錢。任何人都可以免費做這件事的機會很小。 – GhostCat